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My Paying Ads
Hi Brian here
Today I just wanted to talk about My Paying Ads. I use my paying ads as part of my Instant Cash Strategy to make money online.
My Paying Ads is a a revenue sharing site that has been around for two years no and is moving into its 3 third year and just recently just moved to a more stable business model so that they can sustain the business for its members and for the long term future
So how it works is that you put money in and you get money back but more than you put it. The way you do this is buy adpacks. Adpacks gives you the opportunity to buy advertising space on thier sit so you can promote the business that you are in.
So you have two advantages of MyPaying Ads. 1. you get to advertise your primary business that you are promoting plus you get to share in the revenue that the company is producing.
Revenue Sharing through Adpacks, MyPayingAds strategy to earn by purchasing Adpacks
You can purchase Adpacks with starting cost $5 for which you will get 100 website credits and 2 PPC banner credits. So, that means you will get instant advertising service through those Adpacks. Additionally, those Adpacks will also secure your position in revenue sharing pool, means they will keep on sharing revenue upto 120%, means if you purchase Adpacks with $5, then they keep on sharing revenue according to the profit they made till you earn back total $6. So, many members are using this platform to advertise their website, referral link as well as to earn from it.
Please watch this video below which expains what My Paying Ads is about:
About Brian Scarce

Hi my name is Brian Scarce and I have been marketing online for 7 years. I have a few online businesses that I am passionate about including MOBE, PURE PROFIT PRO, FIREFAN SPORTS & FUTURENET. I have experience in many areas of Online Internet Marketing including, Video Marketing, Facebook Ads, SEO, PPC, Wordpress self hosted Sites and more...