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First Digital Domination Live Networking & Training Event!
Published by Scott Teet — 03-07-2019 01:03:03 PM
Reserve You Seat:
First And Foremost Thank You Our Heavenly Father
In Christ Jesus Holy Precious Name Amen.
Congratulations! You Are Being Invited To Attend The Very First Digital Domination Live Networking & Training Event!
Join Us In Atlanta, GA April 6th - 7th!
We will be hosting the event at the beautiful Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway located at 2020 Convention Center Concourse Atlanta, GA 30337. Phone number for the hotel is (404) 763-1544.
At the event:
- Advanced email list and social media audience building
- Monetization strategies that are creating results in today's marketplace
- How to develop a daily action plan that will double your business
- Current digital marketing case studies you can follow step-by-step
- The correct way to utilize social media
- How to create a dynamic mindset for success and a blueprint to overcome mental roadblocks
- How to minimize distractions and maximize your time
- A Huge Finish Line Network New Product Announcement!
Space is very limited.
So, what are you waiting for?
Reserve your Tickets Now
Sincerely To You And Our Continued Success,
Jacqueline J. & Scott H. Teet
About Scott Teet

First And Foremost Thank You Our Heavenly Father In Jesus Christ Holy Precious Name Amen. Greetings Earthlings of the World! My beautiful Queen and Wifey, Jacqueline and I have been earning money online now for about two years now. We have been fairly successful compared to some. We are the owners / admin of two of our own sites as well as an, an active affiliate with other sites. We know that one thing you need for certain is Traffic. Well here at L A S They eliminate that for you. My wife and I really enjoy a challenge and all the added benefits of showing others that there is a way, to see the light at the end . "The biggest obstacle you can surpass is one self." Scott H. Teet Once you achieve this the helping of others becomes second nature. Sincerely to ye and our continued success, Scott H and Jacqueline J Teet