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LAS Blogs: Richard Carpenter
About Richard Carpenter

My name is Rick Carpenter. I grew up in Missoula Montana, but now I live in Spokane Washington.I live here because this is where my two daughters and eight grandchildren live. I've been online for about 13 years, since a work accident left me on disability. I have learned a lot, but the internet has mainly been a hobby and not a business. I think it is time to build a business, so I am now the owner of ten membership sites: Affiliate Profits Club E Marketers Club Membership Marketers Club Power Copy Club Power Marketers Club Product Profits Club Success Upgrade Traffic Generation Club Web Profits Club Wealth Upgrade Club I'm giving silver memberships for each site for free, so that everyone can take advantage of the valuable video training. If you like the teaching you can upgrade to the gold memberships for only $9.95. For more information go to my website at:
Here’s what the best email marketers do…
Published on 08-28-2018 07:08:06 PM by Richard Carpenter
Ever notice the same affiliates seem to always win all the affiliate contests? And the same marketers seem to always have the best selling products in their niche?
It’s like these guys are magic. Every time they release a product or promote something, that product shoots straight to the
... (continue reading →)Are you making these three list-building mistakes?
Published on 08-28-2018 07:08:07 PM by Richard Carpenter
Just about anyone can build (or even buy) a big list. That’s nothing to brag about. What you’re really after is a responsive, profitable list. And that’s where it gets a little tricky.
So let me share with you the three most common list-building mistakes…
Mistake 1: Offering
... (continue reading →)Every marketer needs this…
Published on 08-28-2018 05:08:22 PM by Richard Carpenter
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling. It doesn’t matter what your niche is. If you’re not building a responsive list, then you’re leaving gobs of money on the table.
But check out the keyword above: “responsive.”
Plenty of marketers can build huge lists all day long.
... (continue reading →)The affiliates in your niche hope you don’t see this…
Published on 08-28-2018 03:08:44 AM by Richard Carpenter
Let me share with you a little secret…
You know the super affiliates in your niche? These are the guys and gals who win every affiliate contest. They’re the ones creaming the competition.
Guess what?
These affiliates aren’t smarter than you. They don’t have any super
... (continue reading →)Do you ever have this affiliate marketing problem?
Published on 08-28-2018 03:08:41 AM by Richard Carpenter
“Build a list,” they said. “You’ll make a lot of money with affiliate offers,” they said.
Except maybe you tried it and it wasn’t exactly all sunshine and kittens.
You set up a lead page, and no one signs up for your list.
Or maybe you get oodles of subscribers,
... (continue reading →)Find out the truth about affiliate marketing – for free
Published on 08-28-2018 02:08:22 AM by Richard Carpenter
Is it really true that people can make a living just selling other peoples’ products?
You bet it is. And you don’t need any special skills or qualifications to start pulling in a piece of this action for yourself.
But maybe you’ve tried your hand at affiliate marketing before,
... (continue reading →)Thе Three Sесrеtѕ оf Chооѕіng аn Awеѕоmеlу Profitable Affіlіаtе Offеr
Published on 08-27-2018 12:08:00 AM by Richard Carpenter
Hеrе’ѕ оnе thіng thе ѕuреr аffіlіаtеѕ dо dіffеrеntlу thаn everyone else: they know hоw tо рісk a good рrоduсt tо ѕеll.
Yоu ѕее, choosing the wrong аffіlіаtе offer саn ruin уоur еntіrе business bу dеѕtrоуіng уоur reputation. Dо you
... (continue reading →)Why You Need A Mentor
Published on 08-13-2017 07:08:23 PM by Richard Carpenter
What is a mentor?
From the moment of birth, we all are learning every day. For most people our first teachers are our parents. We all need teachers. We become like our teachers. We need the best teachers we can get. It doesn’t matter what the subject is.
Are you trying to make
... (continue reading →)