[Review] Insta Funnel The Complete "Done For You" Online Business

Published by Paul Brooks — 07-30-2018 10:07:00 AM

I don't know about you but I'm a fan of Done For You Systems because I don't enjoy doing the technical side of things, like building landing pages, sales pages, thank you pages etc. Don't get me wrong I can build complete sales funnels, but for me it takes so much time. 

So, if I see a product that creates the landing pages, the sales page AND does the email follow ups for me, then yep I'm interested to see how it works and if it fits in with my business model.

InstaFunnel is one of those products.

And as I have copy of it I want to show you what you get, how it works, what's good and what's not so good about it.

Here's my review

About Paul Brooks


Head coach at iFunnels. With over a thousand members we give you all the tools, the training and the traffic to build a successful online business. We will literally force you to create a lucrative and successful online business!