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Published by Shirley Lujan — 05-12-2017 01:05:42 PM
Hello My Friends,
My Name is Shirley Lujan,
I am a 72 year old Mother, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother.
I have recently decided to share some things I have learned about LIFE, and how to stay healthy in an age of High Blood Pressure, depression, and Heart disease.
This is just a very few of the things we deal with.
It is all related to our FOOD. now that's not big New Information, But how did we get to this place, when 2 generations ago life was much healthier, and Food was good for you then, this is NEW'S many don't know.
Since our food no longer holds Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants, as it once did due to sprays and the infusion of serious contaminants, such as Latex, Rubber and many Carbons, Asphalt, in our air alone. Poisons and lack of nutrients in the ground we farm, leaves our food, After picking /harvesting, sadly lacking in the nutrients we need.
That's why Doctors today suggest supplements.
We develop autoimmune diseases, allergies, and deterioration of our skin cells, and our children, have Asthma, ADD, ADHD, and AUTISM, and many others.
The Doctors are right! We need supplements but, there are so many how do we choose? Well I can help here! I started on a very good product and NOW my Fibromyalgia is under control. This is an autoimmune deficiency disease like so many others. THIS SUPPLEMENT FEEDS YOUR WHOLE BODY. How ever, it was very Expensive, almost $200.00 a month. Yes it worked, but it was very hard on me as a widow to afford it, as it was for so many that needed it. I have found a NEW Product Called EMZA GOLD, Which we call LIQUID GOLD, BECAUSE IT IS. A Golden Opportunity to feed our Bodies immune Systems.
It is almost the same product and the results are very close also IT FEEDS YOUR CELLS, FROM THE INSIDE. It is a Liquid, so it doesn't have to dissolve. It has a pleasant orange juice Taste. I was AMAZED. I TRIED IT FOR 2 months before I would say anything to anyone, because I don't believe everything I see.
I NOW Honestly tell you this is a wonderful supplement, and all of my people have had results within 2 months. They Never want to be without it and OH, BY the way, a months supply is less than $50.00 plus shipping. For more Information watch the videos on this web site
About Shirley Lujan

I'm a Mother, a Grandmother and a Great Grandmother, and a Widow, Enjoying my Career as an Internet marketer. I started with a company I am very PROUD to SHARE and REPRESENT. If you would Like more Information Contact me on Skype or Facebook. It Would be My Pleasure to Introduce YOU to the LIQUID GOLD TEAM.