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LAS Blogs: Kenny Duke
About Kenny Duke

Happy about LeasedAdSpace so much. Expecting to make good use of it diligently. Thanks team.
Jose Mourinho has never been able to accept that Guardiola has replaced him as the world's best manager
Published on 12-18-2017 02:12:42 AM by Kenny Duke
heart of Mourinho’s latest crankiness explosion is his belief that in some way Guardiola is defrauding him’.
Hearty congratulations to Manchester United. They might have left it late but they've managed to lift the prestigious Most Pathetic Complaint of the Year award for 2017. All
... (continue reading →)100% PASSIVE INCOME ON YOUR COMPUTER... SLEEP N EARN
Published on 12-17-2017 10:12:10 PM by Kenny Duke
Computta is a first
of a kind service created
by cryptocurrency
professionals to enable
anyone and everyone's
computer to make digital
money for their owners
completely on autopilot.
It is the first service
which provides simple
... (continue reading →)The older the better??? : Why We Like Them Older
Published on 12-17-2017 10:12:57 PM by Kenny Duke
Age is just a number?? I don’t think so. Actually, I strongly disagree. It Is true that wisdom Is not a product of age but it can strongly be argued that maturity is with the exception of a peculiar few. King Solomon had wisdom
... (continue reading →)