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The main reason why I chose letters and diaries is due to the vital role they play in supplementing historical information. They offer clarity to details that pertain to historical events and activities since they originate directly from the source. They also offer an opportunity to historians to make informed comparisons between past and current events in realization of the importance of letters and diaries in past communications before the advent of technology. Letters and diaries give first hand account of situations and are therefore an essential part of studying history. They allow an understanding of feelings, expressions and language use in earlier societies. This is reflected in cultures and other social dynamics of society.
One of the things I learnt from doing this assignment is that historians rely heavily on documented sources of information such as letters and diaries to study various phenomena of past events and societies. They use these sources together with others so that to make sense of events and happenings that occured in the past. Another thing that I have learnt is that historians utilize letters and diaries to get insights into various forms of perceptions that existed through past generations into various key events such as births, marriages, health, courtships and health matters. They reveal vital information that allows for comparisons to be made between such past and current events. Such comparisons allow to make informed decision when studying the evolution of cultures and historical perspectives.
People from various social backgrounds from times immemorial have appreciated the use of letters and diaries as a form of communication and keeping personal details. They help in studying expressions of personal feelings, behaviors and conduct of past generations. Such knowledge is essential in studying and analyzing cultures, races, ethnic groups and gender. The availability of this information is necessary in the studying of history since it becomes easier to analyze migrations and various transformations that have taken place in society over the ages, e.g. letters by early explorers allow the identity of the interactions nature that was prevalent then. The study of letters and diaries also allows historians to have first hand accounts of past situations since the letters contain first-person account of what happened. One is able to perfectly conceptualize such happenings in history such as civil war and nations struggles for independence.
The relevance of these studies is crucial to my life and career through several ways. I will be able to have a perfect worldview of how the society that I live in has evolved over the time. It allows for proper analysis of change and its effects on the social, cultural, economic and political institutions that have been prevalent in every society since time immemorial. This knowledge makes me construe how future generations may also rely on similar letters and diaries as they try to find out facts about their past. I therefore develop an understanding of why it is important to document issues, occurrences and events that I think may have a meaning in the future. Availability of historical data plays a role in self-identity. Individuals and societies are able to understand their origins and how they have evolved to be at their current position. This self-identity is essential in establishing family lines and genealogies that allow self-understanding.
The study of the course is also crucial for my career development. It allows me to make sense of various sources of history and how they can be analyzed. This knowledge is essential in my professional growth as it equips me with necessary research and analytical skills.
Stacy Colins is a talented writer at She likes to depict his thoughts on paper.
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