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Effortless Income Without Selling Or Recruiting
Published by Bernardo Cadiz — 05-02-2017 05:05:54 PM
Greetings Everyone,
I joined USI-Tech about 2 weeks ago. Since then I have done extensive
research and, based upon my findings, I can recommend this program
with a very high level of confidence. I believe this will be an excellent
long-term program for those who wish to diversify their passive income
producing portfolio.
Key Features
...100% legit 8 year old company out of Dubai.
...Daily payouts to your Bitcoin Wallet.
....Option to auto compound your Daily earnings from your back office.
( set and forget )
....Earnings are paid from profits generated from legit outside revenue
sources. (with actual proof)
....Very generous (and simple) referral commission structure for Builders.
....Under $55 min investment to get started. (Bitcoin or Payza accepted)
....Great way to build your Bitcoin wallet for the upcoming Bitcoin boom!
....Excellent team support for our group including Facebook and Skype.
USI-Tech automatically pays daily to your Bitcoin wallet or you have the
option to auto compound your Daily earnings instead and grow your balance
much faster. That is a huge factor in building your balance every day. On
average we make 1% Daily without compounding but when you set up your
auto compounder that % will increase quite a bit. It really is 'set and forget.'
You could literally set your compounder for X number of days and not have
to log back into your backoffice until then. Your balance will automatically
grow on it's own without doing a thing.
If you want to recruit, the referral plan is very generous.
Another key factor for growth is members can fund with Payza, not just
Bitcoin. Bitcoin can be a real pain for many who are still just hearing
about BTC so the Payza option is a blessing.
One thing for sure though is that we do want to get paid in Bitcoin to
capitalize on the Bitcoin BOOM coming this year and the next few years.
Instructions To Join
1. Click here >>>>>
2. Click on "REGISTER" and enter your name and email address. As is
always the case with any program it is best to use a gmail address.
3. Watch for a message with the subject "Account Verification email"
which provides a link to activate your account.
Back Office Set Up
1. Log in and complete your profile - (you leave the broker field blank).
2. Click on "Dashboard" and find "Advertisement Link". Click on
"Change" to add your username.
3. Click on "Setting" and make sure your "Automatic BTC-Package
Rebuy" is set to the "ON" position.
Dashboard basics video - 4:42 min
Buying BTC Packages - 6:49 min
How to Request a Withdrawal - 4:45 min
...You do NOT need a Broker Account # if you are buying the
BTC Packs
...You do NOT need to purchase the €600 License when buying
the BTC Packs
...You do NOT need to choose a Payment Method for withdrawals
(you can input a Bitcoin wallet address when requesting a withdrawal)
Due Diligence Videos
USI TECH Round Table Call - 31:26 min
USI TECH behind the scenes interview - 20:53 min
USI-Tech info
Recording of weekly call published on Apr 25, 2017
All things considered it is my opinion that your participation in
USI-Tech is one of the best decisions you can make right now
for these reasons....
....Totally passive
....Excellent due diligence results
....Low entry level - about $55
....Realistic ROI - 1% per working day equates to 20% per month
....Auto compounding available to increase earnings significantly
....The return on investment should be much higher since Bitcoin
is predicted to increase in value
Make it a great day & God bless,
Bernardo Cadiz
About Bernardo Cadiz

I am a Professional Mechanical Engineer. Living at beautiful place of Vancouver with family. I am retired and doing my spare time as online Marketer.