Leased Ad Space
If you're like me and you're on this platform then 9 times out of 10 you're promoting something that will potentially and hopefully put some extra money in your pocket. I've been chipping away at the internet marketing beast for a couple of years now. I've probably made every mistake you can make and I'm still learning. These are just 5 key things I've learned so far on my Journey.
1. Its never as easy as "They" say it is initially.
There is always some work to do. There is usually some new skill you have to learn. And Usually everything "They" say you don't need, (a website, an email list, money to start, experience) you usually need all that and then some to make any legitimate offer profitable for you.
2. When it says "Done for you" its never really Done for you
Again there is work to do. And I've found that its ok to grind to make this shit work. Thats life and the internet is no different.
3. The more you do it, the easier it gets
That's anything in life but especially in the world of internet marketing. You work at it. You make mistakes. You learn and you you get better. You learn how to weed out the bullshit from the real goldmines. It does take some time. But eventually if you stick with it, and commit to getting better at it, you will see some amazing things.
4. Always promote what will Add Value no Drain Money
I found out early that if something is really valuable and REALLY legit then it is a lot easier to promote. I usually feel like I'm helping someone if I show them a great offer that can add value to their life and since I actually have a Soul I generally sleep a lot better at night because of it. Good offers that really add value generally sale themselves. Which is what you want because its hard getting anyone to look at ANYTHING if they have no clue who You are and what It is. So Find Value and promote it.
5. There are no Shortcuts
Maybe there are, but I haven't found any that did me any good. If you're just starting out it may take you longer than a week to really make some money. In fact unless you're just born with a supernatural ability to do this shit it will take you Way longer than that. If you're good with that and put in the work, the time, the research, you'll reach your goals. And thats with anything but Especially with this beast that is internet marketing.
There are probably pages more I could type but I'll cut it short for now. I just wanted to share a bit of my experence and stretch my writing muscles a little. I'm not an award winning writer by any stretch but I am comfortable expressing my thoughts and experiences in most any forum.
I'm still on my journey and I still have a long way to go. But I'm grateful that I'm a long way from where I started.
About Larry Hall

I love people, I love live, and I love making money. I'm usually the hardest working, hardest thinking person in the room but only in the best way. I feed off positive energy and consistant improvement and I enjoy encouraging others to do the same. I'm a part time internet marketer, I love crytocurrencies, ways to make passive income online, and health and wellness.