Leased Ad Space
Hi, I'm Glenn. Pleased to meet you. Let me start by saying, welcome! A little about me, I'm married and a father of six. I'm a professional investor and entrepreneur. I work from my cell phone! I'm nothing special - just your average ordinary everyday guy. The difference between me any most others, is ... I got tired. I got tired of the nagging, doctors appointments, school meetings etc. because they ALWAYS SEEMED TO INTERFER WITH MY J-O-B. Having six children didn't make it better... it was like I always has to sacrifice and lose something in order for something else to get taken care of. So I had to do something.
I've been working from home for about 10 years now and I absolutely love it. God has truly blessed me. And now I'm about to share with you exactly how I did it, and what I do every day to earn roughly $1500 a week. ***This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This DOES take time to grow and the more you nurture it the faster your fortune will grow. Referring others is not required but definitely helps speed up the process.
***1. Payment Processors
You'll need to have a bitcoin wallet and/or Payza or Solid Trust Pay. If you don't have any payment processors set up, you can get them here:
Coinbase -
Payza -
Solid Trust Pay -
For best results Sign up to all three. This way you can have funds deposited into them all simultaneously. ****If you need bitcoins and can't buy any right now, you can get some free Bitcoins all day everyday at these two sites:
New Age Bank -
Moonbitcoin -
****What Is Bitcoin??? ***
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a payment system introduced as open-source software in 2009 by developer Satoshi Nakamoto. The payments in the system are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account, which is also called bitcoin. Payments work peer-to-peer without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to call bitcoin a decentralized virtual currency. Although its status as a currency is disputed, media reports often refer to bitcoin as a cryptocurrency or digital currency.
Bitcoins are created as a reward for payment processing work in which users offer their computing power to verify and record payments into the public ledger. Called mining, individuals or companies engage in this activity in exchange for transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. Besides mining, bitcoins can be obtained in exchange for fiat money, products, and services. Users can send and receive bitcoins electronically for an optional transaction fee using wallet software on a personal computer, mobile device, or a web application.
OK moving on...
***2. Programs To Join
OK I use three specific sites BitLuna, 10adspay, and Mypayingads. These sites are Revshare sites. (Company revenue is shared amongst the active members up to 150%) Sign up at all three sites and set up your payment processors. Be sure to do this or you won't get paid.
BitLuna -
10 Ads Pay -
My Paying Ads -
***3. My Strategy
Alright, once you sign up, now you have to buy ad packs.VERY IMPORTANT - BUY AS MANY AS YOU CAN AFFORD. An ad pack is short for advertising package. Each ad pack contains advertising that you can use for your programs and you will earn 15% ROI. (You'll earn back the cost of your ad packs plus an extra 50%) Ad pack costs:
Bitluna - $5 / adpack
My paying ads - $5 / adpack
10 Ads Pay - $2 / adpack
After you buy your adpacks be sure to view 10 ads per day on all three sites EVERY DAY. This is how you activate revenue sharing for 24 hours.
As your account balance grows, and accumulate enough as the cost of an ad pack, immediately purchase another ad pack. This is necessary for compiling your earnings. DO NOT CASH OUT. Repeat this process for about 2 months and eventually you'll be able to withdraw your earnings without interfering with your cash growth. Thus creating a long lasting residual livable income. ***Bitluna has six ways to earn money, try to utilize them all***
This is my strategy and it definitely works. And yes, I AM MY OWN BOSS ? Copy this strategy and I guarantee you success! Like I said, it works for me. The first step is always the hardest, so don't procrastinate, go ahead and sign up and get started. If you have any questions feel free to message me on (please visit and drop me a like)
To your success
Glenn H.
AKA Successmajor
**Follow me @
**Follow me, LIKE and SHARE
PS ~ If you want to take your businesses farther and actually refer others, I put together a list of high quality traffic resources that I personally use.
These are some really good converting traffic sources! I've been using these in my traffic generation arsenal for years. Dramatically increase your website exposure thus, in turn, generate more sign-ups and sales. Quality organic traffic at your disposal. All sources listed below are mobile friendly. Like and follow me here for the latest updates on quality TESTED traffic sources.
Auto Traffic Exchanges : These are awesome ways to increase your views and Alexa Rank. I use these 24/7. (I'll elaborate more on this later ?)
(Free) 10K Hitz
(Free) OtoHits
(Free) twistrix
(Free) VS twister (manual and auto traffic exchange)
(Free) Hit Botz (manual and auto traffic exchange)
(Free) 24/7 Auto Hits
High converting Manual Traffic Exchanges with amazing referral programs:
Infinity Traffic Boost
Bitcoin Manual Traffic Exchange
******* EXPLOSIVE TRAFFIC******* (Have your links displayed on hundreds of manual traffic exchanges Simutaniously. Complete with tracking and stats. Fully customisable)
(Free) Traffic Exchange Headquarters
(Free) Traffic SpeedWay
(Free) Mobile Views
(Free) Top Surfer
(Free) 50AdayGetsYouPaid
(Free) Te -Jv
(Free) NewWay Surfing
(Free) JustGoodTraffic
(Free) IT 24/7
(Free) Blue Surf
(Free) Easy Hits 4 U
**Heres another great bitcoin based advertising revenue sharing company From the makers of MyPayingAds Introducing My Paying Crypto Ads
Safe List, Massive Team builder, Solo Ad Mailings and Multi-Stream Targeted Webtraffic:
(Free) Auto Post Classifieds
(Free Lifetime Membership) Gorilla Marketing
(Free) Downline Builder Direct
(Free) List Building Maximizer
(Free) Reactive Adz
(Free) Promote AdsPayPro Smart Downline Builder
(Free) Guaranteed Mails
(Free) Steal My Traffic
Leased Ad Space
Those Ads
Free Bitcoins
(Free) New Age Bank
Wealth Mill
(Free) BitMiner
(Free) BitsforClicks
To your long lasting success,
About Glenn Hudley

Hi everyone I'm Glenn. I'm an experienced online marketer / super affiliate. I enjoy helping others learn to earn livable lifestyle changing income, just like me. I specialize in driving targeted web traffic to your sites, affiliate links, and blogs AND legit money making methods online ESPECIALLY BITCOINS. 100% tested by me so if I'm promoting it, believe it's legit. Stay tuned, periodically I'll be posting legitimate opportunities to make your pockts swell and resources to drive quality active visitors to your businesses. #Successmajor #hi