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Why Perfectionism is Harmful to Your Online Business
Published by Taj Herrera — 10-03-2017 08:10:57 PM
Striving to be the best we can be isn’t a bad thing nor should it be considered a fault. When it is taken to the extreme and built into a perfectionist mindset, then it can be detrimental to your business and you.
Even knowing that such a mindset isn’t healthy, “people still value perfectionism.”Cultures regard perfection as the standard to achieve. Children learn from parents and mentors that “practice makes perfect” and expect their efforts to be nothing less. Or they grow up hearing that failure can be a good thing. That need for perfection is damaging the way we value our efforts and is harming our businesses more than we realize. Watch out for these moments when perfectionism limits your ability to take action.
When You Receive Critical Feedback
Criticism does not sit well with perfectionists. As a perfectionist, you don’t want to learn how to improve, you want to be perfect at your performance already. Any form of feedback feels like a personal attack to you and your character.
Such feedback, however, is crucial to your progress as an entrepreneur. Without it, you may not always know where changes need to be made. There is always room for improvement, and that’s not a bad thing! When someone offers you feedback, be open to their suggestions and use them to your advantage.
When Tasks Don’t Get Finished
The most common trait among perfectionists is an inability to complete assignments. You spend hours fueled by an innate need for each project to be perfect. This ensures quality work, but often leaves other important tasks undone.
Perfectionism may be putting a huge toll on your daily productivity. Evaluate how long projects are taking you compared to how long they should be taking you. Set a deadline for completion and stop working when you reach that deadline, regardless of how imperfect you may think your work is. This can be difficult when you want to put your whole heart and soul into each project. You still can give your all, just remember to let go of control when your workload is becoming unbalanced.
None of us are perfect, and that includes yourself. Setting too high of a standard can damage relationships with the people you need for your company to run smoothly. Performance levels will go down if you are expecting too much from those you work with. Plus, you begin to unintentionally alienate yourself from these employees.
Being the leader of a growing company requires you to make some difficult decisions made with careful consideration. But when your perfectionism is going out of control, anxiety levels raise. A guilty conscience that so often accompanies many perfectionists results in increased stress. Under this type of emotional distress, making a decision with a clear head can be challenging.
When Your Fear Holds You Back
Some opportunities are riskier than others. Being an entrepreneur means that you’re willing to take a risk, even if that could lead to failure. If fear of that failure is holding you back from potential opportunities, it’s time to let go of those fears.
Perfectionists also seek constant approval and are afraid of being rejected. This fear, too, can hold you back from taking chances. You shouldn’t always need praise to move forward with an idea. Where would our world be if so many of the greats before us lived that way?
Check your behavior and habits often to make sure you’re not falling into a perfectionist mindset. For your business to succeed, you need to face failure head on, properly manage stress, set your expectations within reason, and be open to growth and improvement.
About Taj Herrera
A Real Boss has no boss...freedom crusader...lover of personal development mindset...looking to help others achieve success in life and business.