LAS Blogs: Rodney Trotter

About Rodney Trotter


My name is Rodney Trotter. I am 51 years old and have a degree in Electronic Engineering Technology. I have three wonderful children, two daughters and one son. I spend most of my time, ensuring that they have what they need to thrive into adult hood. One of my biggest hobbies is learning. I plan on attending M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Why do I want to attend? I want to attend, because it is the toughest school in the world and I would love to see if I am up to the challenge. I have another hobby, and that is helping people. I am presently using my connections to bring services to people worldwide. My goal is to uncover the hidden secrets of business and enlighten as many people as I can. Knowledge is power, and the more knowledge we as a group have, the more prosperous we all will become. One of my favorite quotes is “Your brain doesn’t know what it cannot do until you tell it” –Ed Strachar. I believe that no matter what problem arises, that there is a way around it. My goal is that we all look for the solution and not for the excuses.

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

Can Making Millions Really Be This EASY? (Answer Inside)

Published on 04-21-2017 03:04:25 PM by Rodney Trotter

Have you ever heard this saying...


..."The 1st million is the hardest"?


Before I tell you about whats going on here...


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Why You're A [MLM] FAILURE

Published on 04-21-2017 03:04:42 PM by Rodney Trotter

Hey Friend... here's a warning for you (read this first):


If you're squeamish about hearing truth...


...then STOP

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This 1 Weird Trick Gets FAST Results ($$$)

Published on 04-21-2017 03:04:33 PM by Rodney Trotter



Oh My Goodness, I have just ONE word to describe what's going on here.

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All this for 1 Hawaiian Pizza?

Published on 04-21-2017 03:04:13 PM by Rodney Trotter

This is so crazy!


But it's true.


There's this new avenue for online business owners like us that blows EVERYTHING else out of the water.

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Get 80 email optins per day with a 1 WEEK Free Trial!

Published on 04-21-2017 03:04:20 PM by Rodney Trotter

Hey Friend,


Imagine no longer struggling with traffic for your offers.


Just think you could get traffic from these 8 sources from someone spending $28,000/day...

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Why I stopped watching Netflix

Published on 04-21-2017 03:04:10 PM by Rodney Trotter

Hey Friend,


This is way too good of a story not to share.


Last week I was sitting on my couch watching Netflix and I got a notification on my phone from Morgan Hale.

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You are ONLY 10 weeks away from $15,500...

Published on 03-26-2017 01:03:38 AM by Rodney Trotter

Hello friend,

You are about to be introduced to an amazing
residual wealth system called:

Easy Cash 4 Ads

This system will allow you to leverage
your time and efforts to create a windfall of residual

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How to turn traffic into immediate cash

Published on 03-23-2017 10:03:27 PM by Rodney Trotter

Have you seen this video about Traffic Generator Pro yet?


If not, watch it here now.



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The dirty secret about traffic

Published on 03-23-2017 10:03:53 PM by Rodney Trotter

Here’s the dirty secret that no one else will tell you…


Gurus that sell “how to get traffic” products don’t actually know how to get traffic.


They pay other people to

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The solution to all your traffic “problems”

Published on 03-23-2017 10:03:51 PM by Rodney Trotter

Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business.


But there are 3 problems that no one ever talks about:


Traffic methods are constantly changing

You need

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