Top 7 Free Ways To Advertise Your Business

Published by Tom Lindstrom — 03-20-2020 09:03:26 AM

There are many free ways to advertise your business online. Getting free advertising for your business is a great option when you have no marketing budget or are just starting your online career.

Free advertising simply means that you are spending your time instead of money to get targeted traffic to your offer. Using only free advertising means that it will take much longer to see results than if you invested some money into paid ads.

Free Business Advertising: Top 7 Free Ways To Advertise Your Business!

#1. Start blogging!

Every home business owner needs a professional money-making website. Your blog or website is your "home on the Internet," where you share useful information and recommend your products and services to those who are interested. When you blog regularly (daily! ), you will start getting free traffic automatically from the search engines.

The more unique and helpful blog posts you write, the more traffic you will get. For best results, you should always do proper keyword research before writing a blog post. 

You must know if someone is searching for that particular keyword phrase or not. This saves you a lot of time because you would only be writing content about topics that people are truly interested in.

A Pro Tip: If you don´t want to learn how to create a professional website yourself, you can get a 100% free, turnkey money-making website setup here

#2. Take advantage of social media!

Create your own Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter accounts. These sites will help spread the word about your business, even to those who are not actively searching for your services or products. When you publish a new blog post, share it on your social media accounts as well. This will generate more traffic and important links pointing back to your website.

#3. Free classified ad posting!

On classified ad sites, people are looking for profitable home business ideas and work from home opportunities. Classified ads are an effective but also time-consuming way to get the word out about your new home-based business.

A Pro Tip: In order to get maximum results from posting classified ads, you need to outsource the process. Read my Classified Submissions review here to learn more.

#4. Participate in forums regularly!

There are many free forums and discussion boards online on any topic. For home business owners and Internet marketers, the best one is called By participating regularly, asking questions, and sharing useful information, you can get a steady stream of 100% free traffic to your website. You will also learn a lot of useful Internet marketing tips and strategies.

Forums are one of the best ways to advertise for free online. Be sure to read the rules before you start participating; blatant advertising is not allowed. You can add a link back to your website using the signature file, which will be added automatically under each post you make.


#5. Use safe lists regularly!

Using safe lists is another way of advertising for free online. You would be sending an email automatically to every member of the safe list program. Everyone else is also advertising their businesses, so it is not as effective as email solo ads, for instance.

To get the best results from safe list marketing, always promote an opt-in form (a landing page) where people need to put their name and email address in order to get more information. Promoting sales pages directly does not work. Herculist Plus is one of the best safe lists available today. You will also earn a $5 bonus just for signing up for free. I wrote an article about how Hercules works and how to get the most out of it. You can read my Herculist review here.


#6. Participate in a banner exchange!

You can join a banner exchange program and place their code on your site. Then your ads would show up on other members' sites (and their banners on your site). Banner advertising is quite effective because those who click on a banner are often truly interested. This often leads to a new lead or a sale. is one of the biggest sites out there. Another banner exchange you can join is called


#7. Surf traffic exchanges!

Traffic exchanges are one of the most effective ways of advertising for free online. Traffic exchange marketing works really well if you do it the right way and have the time it takes to generate enough traffic for your offer. You can participate in multiple traffic exchanges at the same time. You can also automate the entire process by using the downliner.


Important tip!

These seven methods above are just seven different free ways to advertise your business. It is strongly advised to pick one or two approaches and concentrate on them. It is also very important to track your results to see which method generates the best results.

For instance, you can start getting a lot of highly targeted traffic to your online business website quickly just by writing one helpful blog post per day (a keyword-researched 1,500+ word post). A single well-written article can generate website traffic for years.

For even better results, you must do a lot more. Write one blog post per day, make a YouTube video, and submit a few classified ads daily. This takes about an hour of your time every day. The important thing is that you are consistent and do something every day.

About Tom Lindstrom


Hey there! I'm Tom, and I've been working online for quite some time now. If you're searching for a great place to advertise your business, I highly recommend LeasedAdSpace—it's been an amazing resource for me. And if you're interested in a FREE, complete, professional money-making website setup, definitely check out It’s worth a look!