Make A Lot of Money Online by Creating a Money-Making Website

Published by Tom Lindstrom — 02-14-2021 05:02:30 AM

Are you looking to make tons of money online? Setting up your own complete, professional money-making website is a great idea. Today, everyone needs to have several income streams. Most people have a day job, but what happens when they become unemployed? The money stops coming in the minute you stop working, but the bills still need to be paid on time. Having only one income stream is not enough anymore.

Make A Lot of Money Online by Creating a Money-Making Website

By setting up your own FREE money-making website, you open up new ways to generate extra residual income from the Internet—monthly income that will help pay the bills and put food on the table for you and your family.

Some people earn a full-time income online by promoting different legitimate affiliate offers. You can do it too! All you need is a free money-making website and a proven "step-by-step" plan to follow so you can start making money from home today.

How Do I Make A Free Earning Website?

If you are looking to make money online, you will need a professional website complete with an auto-responder. How do I create a money-making website? - You have two options.

=> Option #1::

You can start learning everything from scratch and build it yourself through "trial and error." This can take a few years.

Most people struggle when it comes to these things:

  • Designing a professional-looking website (your website must look professional in order to make money!)

  • Choosing a great domain name (something that is easy to remember and explains what the site is all about)

  • Obtaining a dependable hosting account (if your website is constantly down, you will lose money.)

  • Choosing the best auto responder account for you (your auto responder is essential to your online success.)

  • Writing compelling auto responder email messages (you must write email messages that generate income.)

  • Writing great blog content that is shared on social sites (How to write blog content that is useful and helpful, the kind of content that is shared on social media sites.)

  • keyword research to find the best phrases to write articles about (how to find the right keyword phrases to write about). (Too much competition makes it impossible to rank in the search engines, and too little competition means there is no interest in the topic at all.)

  • Generating website traffic (free and paid) to your new website (You need a steady stream of people visiting your money-making website who are truly interested in what you have to offer.)

Learning how everything works can take years, and very few people are willing to invest that much time into it. Sure, you can find a lot of information online, but unfortunately, 95% of the information is outdated or simply wrong. In order to be successful, you need to have the right information or outsource the process to an expert.


Option # 2:  You can choose a complete, turnkey, professional "done-for-you" money-making website setup that allows you to earn at least 5 streams of automated residual monthly income and provides "step-by-step" money-making training and support. It is very simple and easy to get started (3 simple steps), even if you have no prior experience or special skills.


How to Make a Ton of Money Online With Your New Money Making Website: 22 Essential Qualities!

Taking action by setting up your free money-making website and marketing every day to generate targeted traffic is the first step you need to take in order to start making money from home today. There are also 21 other important qualities you must have in order to be successful.

#2. You are ambitious.

You could settle for an internet income that only pays for the bills. You are very ambitious and looking to create a 6-figure yearly income from your online business. Ambitious people shoot for the stars and at least hit the moon.

#3. You need to be relentlessly persistent.

You work towards your goal every single day and don´t stop until you have completed it, no matter what!

#4. You know how to maximize your strengths (and delegate your weaknesses).

There are numerous things you must do as a home-based Internet business owner. For instance, if you are not good at writing great content, outsource the work to someone else.

#5. You need to be realistically optimistic.

You know there is a proven method to make money online. Keep believing this until you find a way to make it a reality.

#6. You are willing to learn

Learning does not end with graduation. As an Internet marketer, you can only be successful if you are willing to learn as you earn.

#7. You always keep an open mind.

You understand that you will never have all the answers. You are willing to listen to others in order to find the correct answers.

#8. You set realistic goals.

Setting realistic goals is one of the most important tips I can share with you. Write down on paper (and keep the paper visible!) how much money you will be earning in the next 3 months, 6 months, and one year from now. Then work towards your goal; don´t stop until you have achieved it! After that, set another realistic goal, and so on.

#9. You don´t listen to negative people.

There is always somebody who will tell you that you cannot do it or should not do it. You can thank this person for the advice and keep working towards your goal. The best "revenge" for negative people is your success.

#10. You will need to accept failure.

Failure is a part of the success process. Take what you have learned and apply it to your next attempt.

#11. You have a true passion

By working toward your goal, it is no longer just work. It is a true passion, and you are halfway to achieving success on the Web.

#12. You read a lot

You are willing to read a lot about Internet marketing and making money online. Find the correct information that will help you become successful. There are also great motivational videos on YouTube that I highly recommend; for instance, "Zig Ziglar´s Top 10 Rules for Success."

#13. You ask for help.

You need to be willing to ask for help also when you work online. You simply cannot know everything. You can get all the help you need by asking questions on forums and discussion boards. YouTube is also a fantastic place to find "how-to" videos about any topic you can think of.

#14. You have a circle of contacts.

Having a circle of contacts (other Internet marketers) is very important if you are going to be successful online. Build a network of associates and friends in your own niche. The best way to do this is to simply participate where other marketers are, in Internet marketing communities, forums, and discussion boards.

#15: You don´t look back.

You cannot be stuck in the past, except if there is an important lesson on what really works and what does not.

#16. You plan what to do next.

Your goal is to make an X amount of money per month from your free money-making website. For this to work, you need to know exactly what to do and how to achieve this goal. You need to have a plan of action.

#17. You are flexible.

Things always change. Change is the only thing that is constant in this world. You need to be flexible when running an online business in order to achieve your goals. Did you know that water can get past anything just because it is so flexible?

#18. You prioritize your Internet marketing tasks.

Always prioritize your tasks, do the most important thing first. By doing this, success naturally follows.

#19: You are willing to step outside your comfort zone.

Have you never made a YouTube video before? Now is the perfect time to step outside your comfort zone and learn how to make videos. YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google. Setting up your own YouTube channel and learning how to make great videos can really generate a lot of highly targeted traffic to your free money-making website and make you a lot of money. If you don´t like creating videos, you can also make money on YouTube by posting other people´s videos.

#20. You are willing to invest money into your business

Even if you can get a 100% free, professional, complete money-making website, you still need to be willing to invest money in your business. There are only a few things you can do absolutely for free. In order to get to the "next level," you need to be prepared to invest money in the essential tools you need to become successful.

#21. You keep weekends off.

You need to rest too. Keep the weekends off to do something totally different and unrelated to your work. 

#22. You are not pleasing everybody.

When it comes to Internet marketing, you simply cannot please everybody. This is good to remember. As an example, you cannot create a product or service that is the perfect match for "everyone." Also, when you try to appeal to "everyone," you are most likely pleasing no one. Always target your product or service at a specific group of people. By doing this, you will dramatically increase your odds of becoming successful.


5 Effective Ways To Generate Traffic To Your Free Money Making Website

Earning money online is only possible if you get targeted traffic to your offer that converts into sales. If you have a budget, you can buy traffic for your site from different sources. Some of the most effective traffic generation methods are 100% free, like, for instance:

#1. Writing unique content regularly

In order to earn money, you will need a steady stream of targeted traffic to your site. You need people to visit your site who are interested in what you have to offer. One of the best ways to generate targeted traffic is to write interesting, helpful and unique content that is closely related to what you are offering on your site.

#2. Search engine optimization (SEO)

This traffic generation method has to do with writing unique content. By learning about SEO, you can get your articles higher in the

search results and generate more traffic. You should focus on writing unique content around keywords that "buyers" search for. the kind of keyword phrases that have high search volume and low competition. It is impossible to guess what keyword phrases to use. You must use a keyword research tool to determine what to write about. A good and free keyword tool is called WordTracker.

#3: Making YouTube videos

Another highly effective way to get free targeted traffic to your free money making website is to start your own YouTube channel and make videos that are closely related to what you offer at your website. 

#4. Join discussion boards and forums in your niche.

Joining discussion boards and forums in your niche can help you get a lot of free traffic to your website. Ask questions and answer questions regularly. You will get a link back to your own website from the signature that is below every post you make. Your signature should be interesting and raise curiosity, so people will click on the link. For instance, if your website is about making money online, you could try something like this: "Click here to see how I earn $500 in just 15 minutes online." Just make it interesting, not boring!

Forums get a lot of traffic, this is a really effective way to get visitors fast to your website. As a recommendation, join and start asking/answering questions. This simple strategy can generate massive traffic to your website really quickly.

#5. Social media

You can setup social media accounts for your business. You should definitely setup a Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn account for your business. If you are in the beauty, health and cooking niches then you should focus on Pinterest (Pinterest business account). You should also add share buttons above and below your blog articles to make it as easy as possible to share.


Take Action Now! Don´t Wait! (My Best Marketing Advice)

People often ask me when they should start up their new money making website. I always reply the same thing: Take action now - don´t wait!

After a while, they reply that they are not ready or have no money to invest in their new website. This website setup is 100% free. Also, you will never be ready, no matter who you are. Those who wait for ideal conditions never tend to be ready.

There are many things that can hold you back. Things like fear of failure and procrastination can seriously harm your confidence.

If you are serious about making money online from home, you need to take action now and stop wasting time. Naturally, there are ideal circumstances in which you can be successful. 

However, those who sit back and wait for the perfect circumstances will be quickly overtaken by their competitors. (There is a lot of competition online in any niche.)

While you are waiting for the right circumstances, people who take action and learn how to make money online become masters of their craft. They begin to make money while you do not. You need to be determined, set realistic goals, have the right information, and use the right tools in order to earn money online.

About Tom Lindstrom


Hey there! I'm Tom, and I've been working online for quite some time now. If you're searching for a great place to advertise your business, I highly recommend LeasedAdSpace—it's been an amazing resource for me. And if you're interested in a FREE, complete, professional money-making website setup, definitely check out It’s worth a look!