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It's a great way to think of your life...
What do you desire?
I am all about lifestyle, a lifestyle that you are passionate, comfortable
and most of PROUD.
That's my desire. To live happily, not be a slave to my job. Which I currently am!
Don't get me wrong it does pay the bills but its a negative lifestyle. All over the news at work everyone is negative. I'd rather find a way to get more time freedom and grow a life of POSITIVITY and HAPPINESS!
I know, I know i sound like one of those monks! But I really believe in this...
Yesterday, with my team we had a live training where we got to support and connect with each other. It's one of the best aspects of the team that I am in. Support is hard to find in the online space. BUT action takers are even harder.
If you desire a similar lifestyle as I do I would love to connect with you...Under one condition though! No negativity is allowed an you need to be an action taker.
Send me a message on facebook right here and let's connect!
Have a great day and keep going out there to crush it!
David 'TipsWithDav' Pinto
About David Pinto

Positive Action taker and LIfestylepreneur. I moved to the Czech Republic from India. I have been in this industry for the last 5 years. If your interested in planning your steps towards your dreams connect with me. I honestly love marketing but regularly grow a passive income online. The tools that I use are the reason for the results that you see me most frequently post as well. They are real and achievable number. I pride myself in working with serious people. Starting a business online is not for the faint of heart. It is for those of you who are ready to make something of yourself. I want to work with you! Now that might come across as a huge burden, honestly it is not. They journey is the best thing that has happened to me and I would love for you to experience the same.