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It's David again..
I have had a lot of questions on lead generation lately.
Traffic is a part of lead generation. It is the source of lead generation.
Whether it is free or paid traffic. The reason 98% are not generating leads on a daily
basis is because of FEAR! Yes that is right fear. The fear to expose a link that guarantee's
a result. The idea of this fear is self inflicted actually, no one ever has the fear to start
we put that on ourselves when we want great results! So we are tempted to be fake.
When doing so this fear consumes us. That is why no exposure of our offer.
Now I am not asking to lie! Infact just the opposite. There is so much of fear out there that when we are actually
truthful the conversion of the leads works best. YOU will be able to generate many more leads in turn
So be honest when your promoting your offer. Tell them what they will get and the leads will flow.
Don't be afraid to put the link on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pintrest or any social media site.
Just because your starting doesn't mean you need to be scared. If so you will go no where with
your business.
That is why, i use a combination of both paid and free traffic to build my business.
It's been a month and already a list of almost 200.. I love this strategy because of the support and the guidance of
branding yourself while achieving results. Take a look and let me know what you think right HERE
About David Pinto

Positive Action taker and LIfestylepreneur. I moved to the Czech Republic from India. I have been in this industry for the last 5 years. If your interested in planning your steps towards your dreams connect with me. I honestly love marketing but regularly grow a passive income online. The tools that I use are the reason for the results that you see me most frequently post as well. They are real and achievable number. I pride myself in working with serious people. Starting a business online is not for the faint of heart. It is for those of you who are ready to make something of yourself. I want to work with you! Now that might come across as a huge burden, honestly it is not. They journey is the best thing that has happened to me and I would love for you to experience the same.