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Hey, it's David
Any of you have the Day Job still? You must have surely guessed from most of the email I send you that I appreciate the life
that I live. Yup, that is right I am pretty positive about it. But...There are days where you think I wish
I did not have that day job. I would have all the days to actually work my own hours and focus on the
things that are important to me. I ain't gonna lie...those thoughts do come to me
In some way or the other, I still stay focused
-Maybe it is a gift.
-Maybe God is just taking care of me (Yes, I do Believe)
-Maybe I am just stubborn
Putting all that aside I know that having a Job is also a positive factor in my CURRENT point in my life
All those things you wish you can do and complain you do not have time for...Trying making the time when you have a day job....what is the difference? Your going to start finding the time. Preparing us for that moment when we do quit and do not need to go anymore to work. It is the perfect training ground! If I can start my online business and run it well while I have a job. For sure I will be more focused when it replaces the day job. Yup..I said it...It does have it's ups and down. I am glad today for the leverage my job gives me to start my own business with a simple 4 step system It's truly a gift for me to talk about it to you. Now I am not going to lie..There will be heartache, struggles joys, craze! But it will be enough to last a life time of growth...
When this hit me...I am thankful.
Pave the way for your dreams
David 'TipsWithDav' Pinto
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About David Pinto

Positive Action taker and LIfestylepreneur. I moved to the Czech Republic from India. I have been in this industry for the last 5 years. If your interested in planning your steps towards your dreams connect with me. I honestly love marketing but regularly grow a passive income online. The tools that I use are the reason for the results that you see me most frequently post as well. They are real and achievable number. I pride myself in working with serious people. Starting a business online is not for the faint of heart. It is for those of you who are ready to make something of yourself. I want to work with you! Now that might come across as a huge burden, honestly it is not. They journey is the best thing that has happened to me and I would love for you to experience the same.