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Yesterday, I was as usual on my facebook live talking about a simple tip to help you move forward in a smooth manner in your life. Lifestyle changes are an important part of my business work ethic. The question I get quite often if I am creating
a habit when is the right time to take a step forward?
Any ideas? (if you do let me know clicking below)
Taking a step ahead is as simple as making a decision. When I got started online, one of the main reasons was to make a change in my lifestyle. Improvements. Positive approach and personal development. Internet/Online marketing is the best place to be in terms of growing these aspects of your life in my opinion. We start of with wanting more money in order to do so
having an automated system helps with this aspect. But as a whole, creating the habit becomes a part of you.
This part of you needs a step ahead without forgetting what you are doing already. Let me make this a bit simpler to understand and practice. I am getting married, that is a step ahead. I still work on the relationship but the marriage is a step ahead I have applied for a managerial position at work. That is a step ahead without forgetting my current work ethics. I have created another income stream and a bonus for my team that is another step ahead in business without forgetting the income
producing activities we do on a daily basis...By know the reality should sink in...
Lets take that step ahead together with this 4 step system that has helped me not just realise this but personally develop me
as a person and marketer...
Pave the way to your dreams
David 'TipsWithDav' Pinto
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About David Pinto

Positive Action taker and LIfestylepreneur. I moved to the Czech Republic from India. I have been in this industry for the last 5 years. If your interested in planning your steps towards your dreams connect with me. I honestly love marketing but regularly grow a passive income online. The tools that I use are the reason for the results that you see me most frequently post as well. They are real and achievable number. I pride myself in working with serious people. Starting a business online is not for the faint of heart. It is for those of you who are ready to make something of yourself. I want to work with you! Now that might come across as a huge burden, honestly it is not. They journey is the best thing that has happened to me and I would love for you to experience the same.