

Irene West

Contact Info

Skype - irene.hsu.west

Facebook - Irene WL West

Twitter - @iwwest

Location - San Diego

Join Date - 2016-08-24

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About Me

I am a grandmother of 3 and enjoying every minute of it. Their future and their well being are very much on my mind. I always wonder what kind of legacy I should plan for my family and my grandchildren. To me life is a lifetime learning process. Till now, there is not a single day I don’t try to learn something new. I would like to share this learning enthusiasm with them and you all. One of the topic I never get tired of and enjoy learning and gaining knowledge on is finance. The teaching on finance is definitely missing in our education system. It is never part of the curriculum. It does not seem it will be. Therefore I would like to share with you my life experience on finance. Like most, I am a college graduate with no knowledge on my personal finance when I graduated. For many years, I lived on linear income. Then I had my moments of wakening. I realized my linear income is never going to reach my dream of financial freedom and dream retirement. Luckily, thanks to my beloved parents influence, my philosophy has always been to discipline myself to live below my means. Thanks also to my parents, I was able to complete my education without student loans. I realize this gave me an advantage. I was able to start my career without personal debt.

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