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Common Fears You Must Overcome To Start Your Own Business
Published by Terrance Quezaire — 03-11-2017 11:03:06 AM
‘Entrepreneurship’- exciting as it may seem, still, few people are prepared to take the plunge. Admit it, you have the drive, but you are scared to shit, to enter the world which may involve financial stress, business uncertainties, lack of a steady check, or just plain failure.
Well, here’s the thing- you’re not alone. In fact, successful entrepreneurs all around the world have faced some sort of fear in the preliminary stages, starting from speaking in public to keeping up with the ever-growing technology. Entrepreneurship can be rocky territory to navigate in-which you may have to face great risks, from the inception of your business, through the growth stage, and even as you begin to find yourself on solid ground. But to stay prepared for those risks and overcome all the fear is the trait of a true entrepreneur. Here, we’ve listed the top five fears that you must overcome to start your own business and prosper in it.
Fear of economic uncertainty
Back in the days, the economy may not have been of great concern but, today the declining economic situation puts all businesses, big or small, at risk. In the “Wall Street Journal” economic report of 2015, 63% of small business owners have been reported to be stressed about the state of the economy and 41% fear that the economy will get worse soon. However, many remarkable small businesses like iCracked and SeatGeek have launched, innovated, and grown during this declining period. “In 1968, there were 1,000 breweries, but when I started, 97% had closed,” says Koch of The Boston Beer Company. Despite this, he has come out not only stronger but better because of it.
Fear of not being good enough
Many people stop themselves from taking action because they doubt themselves and think they’re not good enough. Many believe you must begin with the perfect plan, tools, people, and everything. But, in reality, it doesn’t have to be just perfect. With this mindset, it keeps people stuck and then they end up doing nothing, so watch out. An ideal mindset would be to strives for improvement rather than perfection. It’s not about making all the right decision and getting everything right, but improving and learning from the mistakes that you will make.
Fear of Failure
Undoubtedly, one of the biggest fears for entrepreneurs, in fact, every human being is failure. In most business startups, it is quite reasonable to expect that around 80% will fail within the first few years. When starting a business with such odds, it is normal to be a little overwhelmed. But you can’t let the fear of failure consume you. Do not take failure as the end of the road, but just a temporary setback in a long journey. Besides, these failures are your learning opportunities, which yield lessons that can be incorporated into your business and life.
Fear of being Rejected
While planning a business, many people fear of being rejected by acquaintances and even family members since most of us are accustomed to following the conventional method of going to school and then getting a good job. They fear others will disregard what they are building. But, you need to have the courage to enlighten them about the ideas and opportunities businesses can give compared to the corporate world. More than that, you need to have the courage to pursue your dreams.
Entrepreneurship isn’t for the fearful but the individual who has the determination and fortitude to learn from their fears and work past them. Embrace your fears and use them as a motivation to learn more about your business.
Many of us might think that you need an amazing idea to get started in business, but that’s just not the case. There are many ways to get started building a business to last a lifetime without the risk of a start-up.
For example, there is the franchise business model, which is simple taking an existing proven business model and using that model to grow your own business. Typically, the franchise model however has some large startup costs which eliminates most entrepreneurs.
The other option is to find a proven business model that has low startup costs and a high rate of success for the entrepreneurs who decide to pursue it! That’s what we are all about. The BOSS XL sales system is empowering the average entrepreneur to take action and create a business with a solid foundation and residual income.
About Terrance Quezaire

I'm a new affiliate/network marketer! Looking to create some traction with LeasedAdSpace for my businesses. I'm currently involved with some great affiliate marketing programs, one of which is; Divvee Social. Divvee Social is a social membership network, where everyone is rewarded for sharing their opinion on apps, products and services. This program is currently in start up/Beta. To join this lucrative opportunity it will cost you $50.00 per year or 750pts. Please email me for further information about Divvee.Social at and then check out the video below. The second program is called vCard Global. This company will be a disruption in the business card space, the same way Uber has been for taxi service. VCard offers business owners an excellent means of exposing their business to the world, online and off! Here is my vCard Copy and Paste in a new web browser window to check out all the great features it has to offer!! Please REACH OUT TO ME for your own FREE vCard. I only request you share it in order to have me create it for you!