

Carl Haavaldsen

Contact Info

Skype - rmcglobal

Facebook - uwanted2know

Twitter - uwanted2know

Location - Edmonton, AB, Canada

Join Date - 2017-03-19

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About Me

I'm a Blogger | Coach | Mentor | Trainer & Motivator

I am a 30 year veteran of Network Marketing. I have been online since 2001 and have been full time online since 2003.

I am a father or 3, grandfather of 2 fantastic boys and I’m with the love of my life, Rina.

Rina and I love to fish and we go as often as we can.

We love the outdoors, to travel anytime we want and just enjoying life the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

On the business side of things, I have been training and helping 100’s of people achieve their dreams over the years. Making sure they reach their goals and enjoy life the way they want to live it. There is nothing more important in life than happiness, so if I can bring even a few people to that level, life is good.

We provide people with options in their lives to Live Life On THEIR TERMS!

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