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What if there was a way to join a program once nd get paid for life? The only way to accomplish this feat is to create a system that is viral in nature and that keeps your particular instant cash programs in public view. The Viral Team Builder is just that program. You can join this program for FREE. Then you give away a Branded Ebook to help your friends and colleagues get referrals and email subscribers into their own business.
This process is a Win-Win situation that can provide lifetime income to you and your entire team. While many marketers focus on the next customer that they can sell their goods to, you can begin to focus on the next marketer that you can help to attain their goals. We call this conceptThe Boomerang Effect . What you give away comes back to you 10 fold.
Online marketers are dogged in their loyalty to their myriad of programs. These individuals by their very nature are not prone to jump on your bandwagon simply because you think that you have the "Best Shiny Toy" What these passionate marketers desire is a way to get more customers for their product or service.
If you can help these individuals reach their goal, you will reach your goal. Using The Viral Team Builder System, you create an ongoing income because our branded eBook entitled "How to get 170 referral in 90 days or Less" is available for you to give away has expertly embedded affiliate links. With time you will earn a full time income from part time efforts. You will build an email list, have your affiliate links all over the internet in no time. This is viral advertising at its finest and the easy quick way to create Perpetual Income.
About Virginia Sanders

Virginia Sanders (Gina) is a writer, former teacher and entrepreneur in Sacramento CA, She is the Creative Director of Blinged-Teez (Creative Rhinestone slogans) She researches online programs and marketing methodologies to find a synergistic effective approach to online marketing that leverages blog content, social media and SEO to generate traffic, leads, and sales. Finding a program that will empower and enhance the financial security of the masses is her focus. ICheck out “The Ultimate Instant Cash Strategy” .