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- What is Divvee Social?
- What does it do?
- How can you benefit?
Since you're reading my blog I assume you're looking for the answers. I was looking for it myself.
My name is Vitaliy and I do marketing online for several years now.
When somebody presents an opportunity, like most of us I feel skeptical. There are too many scams out there, isn't it?
Still, I do some analisys in order to see what's new and what are the trends in marketing space.
While learning about the Divvee concept I've found something quite different from the other companies.
The compensation plan, their marketing approach and innovation have "bought" me, so I decided to give it a try.
(In fact I still am studying it).
Here is what current Divvee Social prelaunch page answers those questions:
"Divvee Social is a Social Membership Network that combines the power of social media, along with the revenues of the multi-billion-dollar mobile apps industry, the products and services industry, and the influence of individuals across the world. This powerful network provides true solutions and real value to empower and reward those who are focused on achieving their dreams."
Get more information about Divvee.
And here is why I decided to join:
1. Hot trend. Mobile industry, apps ranking and sharing is what's hot now.
2. No referrals needed to earn points and exchange them for valuable things, like Iphone 7, paid vacations etc.
3. Very low entry point for affiliates. Just $50/year. No autoships.
4. Unlike other mlm's you're not "forced" to be their distributor. Earn points as a free user for as long as you like. Use the points to upgrade or exchange them for a gift card, mobile phone etc.
5. The compansation plan is fantastic! Here you have some bits on it.
At the moment you can join for a one-time fee of $25. It is valid till the 7th of January.
After the 10th of January they officially launch and free users will also be enabled.
There is a saying: "Never close the door on an opportunity until you've had a chance to hear the offer."
I strongly recommend you to "hear the offer" as this Social Membership Network may be the next big thing happening in 2017 and beyond.
Hope this information on Divvee was helpful. Wishing You, my Reader, All the Best in the Year 2017!
Having more questions? Feel free to add me to your skype to chat. Mine is vitaltips
About Vitaliy Stepanyuk

Welcome to my blog! My name is Vitaliy and I like languages, marketing and building websites. Feel free to contact me anytime If having any question