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Are you looking for a new business with low risk?
Published by Christopher Rose — 09-11-2017 03:09:53 AM
When one is looking for a new business it is wise to way the investment against the risk.
Of course what is is a high risk to one person is peanuts to another.
So if we say $1 to $20 is an acceptable low risk for everyone is there a business on the net that is serious for that amount of investment ?
Most businesses require referrals. A few people called Gurus doubtless have lists with thousands of people on them. They would not be interested in something so small as it is said they play with millions.
Then look at the millions of others who each week spend a dollar or two on a lottery. There must be many people for whom an investment of $1 to $20 a month must be very appealing, after all it is no more expensive than what they are already spending on the lottery.
I have found such a business. They have gone back to the basics of duplication with a system that is so simple that most people seem to have fortgotten the principles.
They have however added an ingredient that is not available in mere money making schemes.
As a member progresses through each level so do the number and value of the material advantages increase from groceries and travel to hotels and condos and many many more.
Now take a look at how it works then click the link to the website for much more information with audio and videos.
Refer at least 2 members to join with your personal My1DollarBusiness website today and help them do the same.
* You only need 2 personal referrals to make it to Phase 1 and quality for our entire commission program!
* When you refer 2 today, and help them do the same the next day and so on, you can have a full 2x10 Organization in as little as 10 days.
* As each member is automatically upgraded when they qualify and you can earn more and more until you are making an extra $2,000 to $10,000 monthly.
See how much you can earn by building a team of Phase 1,2,3 and 4 Members!
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About Christopher Rose

I am British, 78 years old, and live in France. In fact I’ve spent most of my life abroad somewhere in the world. I work with an American company that helps people to live younger longer. Not a bad idea at my age and also recommended for an ever growing part of the population. They also have an excellent marketing system with a line of products for health, beauty & skin care with which they have led the market in this field for more than 20 years. So every morning when I get up I have something to look forward to. After all somewhere in the world a bottle of our noni is sold every 1.8 seconds. MORINDA: