

Martial Niyonzima

Contact Info

Skype - wealtheagle

Facebook - martialniyonzima

Twitter - lilkci

Location - United Kingdom

Join Date - 2016-08-25

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About Me

After 12 long years as a JOB slave, I finally decided to 'retire' myself and work full time from home.

I struggled for 2 long frustrating years trying to work from home and it wasn't until I finally decided that I was sick and tired of slaving and no appreciation, that I made the concrete decision to make the online/home business industry work for me at all cost!

That was a year ago and it's been the BEST decision of my life!

Now I work from home with no commute, can see my children everyday, I follow my own schedule and have met the most amazing people from all around the world.

I LOVE helping people begin their journey toward financial freedom by sharing the the most secure online projects and tools.

When we all help each other, we can all realize our dreams,TeamWork,Makes The Dream Work.

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