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How To Increase Your Blog Readership? by William Nabaza of
Published by William Nabaza — 01-31-2021 11:01:11 PM
Do you want to blog for the rest of your life? I think this is much easier rather than creating endless youtube videos. If you can answer yes to that question, then allow me now to show you easy steps on how to increase your blog readership.
1. Write original blog articles not copy/paste articles. Make sure to run grammarly which offers plagiarism checker for a paid version and also copy leaks and copyscape.
2. Write controversial articles or blogs. Don't be afraid mentioning huge brand names but make sure you have experiences in what you way towards them for a real experience of you readership.
3. Offer link exchange with other blog of same category. Link exchanges are free for sure if you write awesome articles and blogs, you get offered from time to time to do link exchanges with them.
4. Write for guest blog articles. Some blogs offer free guest writing articles or guest bloggers, make sure you search this on google and take advantage of it. Always mention your name or name of your blog when you write, you have priveleges either in the title or on the footer info, if they offer both, then make use of both.
5. Write for huge companies out there, make sure it's a valid review not an incentivized review. It's good that you have proper experience with them or you own one so the review will be based on user's experience which huge brands will appreciate and even without your knowledge they will usually link back to your blog.
6. Offer free content to other websites by writing specific or customized articles for their website even for free but you have to link to your blog.
7. Offer free featured content like for example free ebook or 1 year magazine subscription from time to time.
8. Collaborate with other blogger. It's the latest trend you turn to groups of bloggers who write in same category or same niche as you are and write more articles and combine it with them.
9. Write a review article on new products. New products are eyeing new markets as well and people are excited to see new technologies in the market so you grab those chances and opportunities by writing for the product to review it for free.
10. Be active in forums. Blogs and forums are two of the major content management system websites that get indexed by Google the fastest. In my experience usually it's within 24 hours. So take advantage of forums posting and post frequently your article. Do it mostly like one post a day.
For that matter, I can offer you free 1-year magazine subscriptions or ebooks from time to time just link to it and feature it on your next blog post.
About William Nabaza

i own like,,,, (i don't know why i bought this domain name, in the first place). The latest is - a brand new manual traffic exchange. is also a manual lfmte script. which is also a free and paid adboard just like LAS.