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Wesley Wong
Contact Info
Skype - itswes.wong
Facebook - weswongonline
Location - Spanaway, Washington
Join Date - 2016-08-13
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About Me
Hello there! My name is Wes Wong. I am married and have 2 wonderful sons.
I have been exposed to MLM, network marketing since mid 2003 but treated it as a "hobby" so my income fluctuated a LOT. It wasn't until getting laid off 2 times that I got serious and started looking into the internet marketing world to earn a secondary income. Well, in 2009 I got laid off the 3rd , and final time! I then decided to make internet/online marketing my new "career" since no company was willing to pay me more than what unemployment was paying me.
I realized the economy has changed, seniors were not really "qualified" to be rehired so I made it my mission to learn as much as I could, educate "baby-boomers" (or anyone interested) about their chances of staying employed, and helping them learn how they could be their own bosses and earn additional income online to be able to live the retirement life they dreamed about.
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