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Red Diamond Elite™ and Active Red Diamonds
Red Diamonds are without a doubt the cream of the crop. They're the role models and mentors. We're proud, and profoundly humbled to help celebrate their dedication and success by highlighting them here! We highly encourage you to visit their blog postings by clicking on the links below, as these people are 100% committed to their own success, and in helping others! Their blog post could offer you much needed guidance in your own success. But we don't stop there. We, the owners of LAS, are constantly driving visitors to this page 24/7 to honor their commitment to excellence. They are true leaders and deserve our recognition!
Red Diamond Elite™ (what is Red Diamond Elite™?)
We're proud to highlight two randomly selected Red Diamond Elite™ members from the pool of 10! We also have a dedicated RDE highlight page in the works that should be released very soon!
Michael Anthony (mikejanthony)
✅ Here's a free mobile cashback app that helps you save money on gas and food:
✅ Here's where to get REAL organic food delivered to your door:
Published on12-11-2024 06:12:42 PM by Michael Anthony
The PulseChain Network Is A LOT Cheaper Than Ethereum
Do you want to hold, trade, and swap cryptocurrency but are tired of the extremely expensive Ethereum gas fees?
Join the
... (continue reading →)Published on11-24-2024 09:11:48 AM by Michael Anthony
The Crypto Network that is 1000x Cheaper Than Ethereum
Do you want to hold, trade, and swap cryptocurrency but are tired of the extremely expensive Ethereum gas fees?
Join the
... (continue reading →)Recent Solo Ads
Sent on 01-20-2025 10:01:14 AM
Visitor, This system took Jimmy from zero to $15K
Hey Visitor,
If you've ever wondered whether making real money online is possible, let me tell you about Jimmy
... (continue reading →)Sent on 01-17-2025 03:01:13 PM
The Never-Before-Seen Traffic *Hack* You Can Set Up in Minutes
LIVE TRAINING: Saturday, January 18, 2025 10AM EST / 3PM UK
Are you frustrated by the endless grind of trying to generate traffic
Joe Bulik (homebizjoe)
Hi, my name is Joe! (aka Home Biz Joe) I am a work-at-home Internet guy, and I help people for a living. You can find me at, I'm also a proud Red Diamond member of Leased Ad Space. Living Off The Net is Easy, Once You Know How. By the way, I like what you've done with your hair today. It looks really nice!
Published on09-12-2020 11:09:31 AM by Joe Bulik
Free Traffic Building Software brings in Buyers!
... (continue reading →)
Published on03-31-2020 06:03:27 PM by Joe Bulik
Submit your URL for Free Targeted Google Traffic
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Recent Solo Ads
Sent on 01-20-2025 01:01:41 PM
Struggling to Get Traffic, Visitor? Let’s Fix That.
Hey Visitor,
... (continue reading →)
Sent on 01-18-2025 12:01:56 PM
Struggling to Get Traffic? Let’s Fix That.
Hey Visitor,
... (continue reading →)
Recently Active Red Diamonds
We're happy to highlight the content of our most recently active Red Diamond members! This list includes all members who have posted new content to their personal blogs, ordered by who has made the most recent posts.
Ontarian Hawkins (relyonhim77)
My name is Ontarian Hawkins.
The Early Years
I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My journey into entrepreneurship began somewhere in the early 2000’s. I first came across being your own boss and working on the internet in my early 20’s. I was a college student at the University of Tulsa doing some homework on the computer.
I remember sitting there thinking to myself, ‘Do people really earn money online? If so, how do I do that?’As a college student, I did ok with my grades. But my life as a child and the memories of struggle were still present. I can clearly remember being a child and asking for a candy bar in the grocery check out lane.
Childhood Struggles Opened My Eyes to Desiring Financial Freedom
She used to carry a yellow envelope in her purse, with the money she had budgeted for groceries and bills. I can remember her pulling out the envelope slowly, with hesitation to pay for things. Even though she never said a word, the anxiety in her body language and face made it very clear to me that there wasn’t enough.
Seeing my mother struggle to buy groceries and pay bills when I was a child planted a seed so DEEP in me, I decided I was going to do something different when I was older.
Dropping out of College to Pursue True Freedom
I dropped out of college because I didn’t see the point in following the ‘success blueprint’ that had been taught to me. You know, the American Dream- Go to college, get good grades and get a job in corporate America, building someone else’s dream. That didn’t appeal to me. I settled into a regular job, but I knew there was something more out there for me.
After looking around I joined a Network Marketing business in 2008.
I wanted success, so I followed their blueprint. I made my list of friends and family. I attended the hotel meetings. I called, chased, and hunted everyone I knew. Why? Because that’s what I was told to do. If you’ve ever been involved with a Network Marketing company maybe you can relate.
Needless to say, it didn’t go very well for me. I did make a little bit of money, but nothing substantial. I couldn’t get any duplication going.
Network Marketing Failure Kept me Struggling
So I quit and moved onto another company. And another, and another. The first 3 years I spent a lot of money on starting new business ventures, only to end up failing. They all presented the same problem: nobody was able to duplicate and as a result they dropped out. It seemed like this was a good plan for a few but was too difficult for the other 97%. By this time my friends & family were tired of hearing about the latest and greatest business deal I was in.
I knew there was a piece or two missing, but I wasn’t ready to give up. I needed some change in my life, so I got my CDL license and drove a truck all over the country. During this time, I focused on learning as much about marketing as I could. The psychology behind it, how to identify your target market, funnels, capture pages…you name it. Then I joined a group focused on mindset and marketing, and that’s when things started to change for me. Through this group I met my mentors Diane Hochman and Joe Schroeder.
My Attraction Marketing Breakthrough
I took a break from actively marketing a business, and learned how to attract business. That was an important mindset shift.
Instead of hunting for prospects, I delved in deep to learn how to become the hunted.
About a year into driving a truck, I was itching to get off the road. I missed my family and friends. I only had one day a week off and worked very long days. I took a job back home with the intention of freeing up more of my evening time and planning my financial freedom.
For the next year, I worked tirelessly on my plan, soaking up every piece of information I could on how to create a passive income online. And I did it. I freed myself from the chains of bondage. Now, I am here to show you how to do the same if you are willing to make a few mistakes and commit to your freedom.
My purpose for Creating this Website is to share what I have learned in my trials so you can implement only what works.
You deserve financial and time freedom and to live the BLESSED Live You Deserve!
Let's connect!
Ontarian Hawkins
Amos Mushala (Uearn2)
I am a retired FedEx Ground Contractor of 23 years on the road. Married to my wife Jessica for 29 years and counting. I have been blessed with 8 kids. Started an online presence about 4 years ago. Still trying to get the right niche to make extra income I need. I am still in the learning curve, but will get there.
Published on 02-15-2023 07:02:13 PM by Amos Mushala
Are You in Crypto Yet? Why Not?
The world is changing and you need to be prepared.
Don't let the world of Crypto leave you by, take a look around you and get to know about it. Don't be scared of the unknown...just plug in
... (continue reading →)Thomas Haley (earnincome2)
I am a retired U.S.A.F. officer living near Myrtle Beach, S.C.
I own Diamond Marketing, Inc. and help others Advertise and
Make Money Online!