Red Diamond Elite™ and Active Red Diamonds

Red Diamonds are without a doubt the cream of the crop. They're the role models and mentors. We're proud, and profoundly humbled to help celebrate their dedication and success by highlighting them here! We highly encourage you to visit their blog postings by clicking on the links below, as these people are 100% committed to their own success, and in helping others! Their blog post could offer you much needed guidance in your own success. But we don't stop there. We, the owners of LAS, are constantly driving visitors to this page 24/7 to honor their commitment to excellence. They are true leaders and deserve our recognition!

Red Diamond Elite™ (what is Red Diamond Elite™?)

We're proud to highlight two randomly selected Red Diamond Elite™ members from the pool of 10! We also have a dedicated RDE highlight page in the works that should be released very soon!


RDE Score: 1300

Seely Clark (clarkie44)

I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as a RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care.
What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion! Over the last several years, it has started to come together for me. I am now able to work online full time It is AMAZING!
Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet. I have learned many things that don’t work and and much that DOES work.
One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed. So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.

All posts from Seely Clark

Recent Blog Posts

07-23-2024 01:07:33 PM

Master the Art of Online Success: Overcome and Prosper

In the digital age, achieving online success has become a pursuit for many aspiring entrepreneurs, freelancers, and business owners. The allure of financial freedom, flexible working hours, and the

... (continue reading →)

07-20-2024 10:07:22 PM

Unlock the Secret to Online Earnings Today...

Making money online is a dream for many, but for those who have tried and failed, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. 

... (continue reading →)

Recent Solo Ads

07-20-2024 10:07:20 PM

Time Sensitive - Hurry, I am extremely serious...

You see the success others have, and think to

yourself, "That could've been me...".

And it sucks.

People who have had this happen to them before

realize one

... (continue reading →)

07-18-2024 01:07:41 PM

Time Sensitive - Hurry, I am extremely serious...

You see the success others have, and think to

yourself, "That could've been me...".

And it sucks.

People who have had this happen to them before

realize one

... (continue reading →)


RDE Score: 2200

Oliver Zander (muchheaven)

Hello and welcome! I'm thrilled to connect with fellow marketers and innovators here on LeasedAdSpace. My journey in online marketing began back in the year 2000, and it's been an incredible ride ever since.

With over two decades of experience, I have honed my expertise across various facets of digital marketing. My specialties include:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Crafting strategies that elevate websites to the top of search engine results, driving organic traffic and boosting online visibility.
AI Automation: Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to streamline marketing processes, enhance customer engagement, and optimize campaign performance.
Safelists & Traffic Exchanges: Mastering the art of safelists and traffic exchanges to generate high-quality leads and maximize online exposure.
Solo Ads: Creating compelling solo ad campaigns that capture attention and convert prospects into loyal customers.

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients, from startups to established enterprises, helping them achieve their marketing goals and grow their online presence.

I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving digital landscape, continuously learning and implementing the latest trends and technologies. My mission is to empower businesses to harness the full potential of online marketing, driving growth and success in the digital age.

Let's connect and explore how we can collaborate to take your marketing efforts to the next level. Feel free to reach out—I’m always excited to share insights, discuss strategies, and embark on new ventures together!

More about me:

All posts from Oliver Zander

Recent Blog Posts

07-23-2024 03:07:41 PM

Master Safelist Blaster Review: Push Button to 547,925 Members

Master Safelist Blaster Review: Turbocharge Your Marketing Today!

Diving into the world of online advertising, I recently

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07-21-2024 08:07:51 AM

Scams in the Solo Ad Industry: Identifying Fraudulent Practices

Scams in the Solo Ad Industry: Identifying Fraudulent Practices

Scams in the solo ad industry can be a significant

... (continue reading →)

Recent Solo Ads

07-26-2024 02:07:26 AM


Greetings Entrepreneur,

Take a LOOK at this!

We just logged in and smashed money.

Your turn to... look again

The BEST $10 business anywhere!
... (continue reading →)

07-24-2024 01:07:33 AM



It was one of those weekends where I was just doing stuff around the house - a little Spring cleaning and getting some chores done, you know?

And then it hit me like a... (continue reading →)

Recently Active Red Diamonds

We're happy to highlight the content of our most recently active Red Diamond members! This list includes all members who have posted new content to their personal blogs, ordered by who has made the most recent posts.


Ophelie Le Bail (Xillis)

06-11-2024 11:06:22 AM

Why the French state will seize your real estate

The level of public debt in Europe is high and only increasing...

Faced with this observation, certain branches of government are trying to find solutions to channel and reduce this

... (continue reading →)

05-27-2024 11:05:00 AM

Bucket of banners

BoB is NOT your ordinary banner ad system! Brought to you by Brad Webb,

... (continue reading →)


Brandon Coakley (registration)

Internet Marketing


Andrea Petoskey (andiepetoskey)


Astro Devar (Astro85)

I'm from Detroit Michigan born and raised. I been doing affiliate marketing for about 2 years and I enjoy helping business owners succeed.

11-29-2022 11:11:13 PM

The beauty of growth

One of the most beautiful things about encouraging and helping people is to see others evolve into something special. In my journey I've had mentors to guide me the right way.

It's a blessing

... (continue reading →)


Matthew Foss (Fossy110)

My name is Matthew Foss i have gone from being in over 120k worth of debt To being debt free because of network marketing This shit is not easy so don't think it is !! but if you work hard you can get there !! I am currently running a 100 Day bootcamp from 0 - 4000 USD a month sounds like something you want to get your hands on ?? << apply now its FREE Highly Recomend You Read This Book Its Free And Will Give You So Much Value >>


Oddvar Stranden (strand1)


Harris Manning (cre8)


Bob Allen (boballen)


Logan Susnick (moneywithlogan)


Eddie Wilson (telogaman)

I like internet marketing and surfing the internet . There is a lot of information on the web. I would like to someday work from home. If you would like to connect with me on facebook or twitter and exchange ideas or just chat that would be fine. Hope for you much success.