Red Diamond Elite™ and Active Red Diamonds

Red Diamonds are without a doubt the cream of the crop. They're the role models and mentors. We're proud, and profoundly humbled to help celebrate their dedication and success by highlighting them here! We highly encourage you to visit their blog postings by clicking on the links below, as these people are 100% committed to their own success, and in helping others! Their blog post could offer you much needed guidance in your own success. But we don't stop there. We, the owners of LAS, are constantly driving visitors to this page 24/7 to honor their commitment to excellence. They are true leaders and deserve our recognition!

Red Diamond Elite™ (what is Red Diamond Elite™?)

We're proud to highlight two randomly selected Red Diamond Elite™ members from the pool of 10! We also have a dedicated RDE highlight page in the works that should be released very soon!


RDE Score: 750

Ahmed Ali (onlinept)

Hello everyone, my name is Ahmed Ali and I'm a part-time online entrepreneur. After failing miserably during my first 7 years online, including being scammed for thousands of dollars on get rich schemes/e-books/and software‟s, I learned an important lesson summed up by this quote from Napoleon Hill the author of “The Law Of Success” and “Think & Grow Rich”;

“TRULY, "thoughts are things", and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects.”

I pressed on to crack the code of this online marketing thing. And the most important thing that I can tell you right now is “Learn how to generate targeted traffic, how to build your own list, and how to communicate properly with your subscribers in order to convert them to sales ”, because without those three components, you‟re out of the game!

All posts from Ahmed Ali

Recent Blog Posts

Whoah! This user hasn't written any original content yet. Reach out and let them know you want to hear from them!

Recent Solo Ads

07-26-2024 02:07:21 AM

The 4-Step Formula To 3X Your Traffic & Income $$$!

Hi Visitor,

Get a 100% Free Access To The 
4 Step Formula to Generate:

  • Unlimited

... (continue reading →)

07-24-2024 01:07:21 AM

The 4-Step Formula To 3X Your Traffic & Income $$$!

Hi Ahmed,

Get a 100% Free Access To The 
4 Step Formula to Generate:

  • Unlimited

... (continue reading →)


RDE Score: 1900

Niranjan Ranade (anantshakti)

As a full-time Affiliate Marketer, I recommend products & services that help "Online Business Opportunity Seekers" build real and growing income :)

All posts from Niranjan Ranade

Recent Blog Posts

07-25-2024 02:07:17 AM

Want To Earn $270 Daily On Total Autopilot ?

Unlock The ONE Link You Need To Rake In Regular $270 Paydays On Total Autopilot.

Watch This Video To See How

... (continue reading →)

Recent Solo Ads

07-24-2024 08:07:11 AM

Want To Earn $1500 Per Sale ?

Hey it's Niranjan :)


If You Are Ready To Build A Real Affiliate Business And Make High Ticket Commissions, Then Join Now.

=> Make high ticket

... (continue reading →)

07-22-2024 03:07:31 AM

Want More Traffic And Income ?

Hey it's Niranjan :)

Get instant access now!



Recently Active Red Diamonds

We're happy to highlight the content of our most recently active Red Diamond members! This list includes all members who have posted new content to their personal blogs, ordered by who has made the most recent posts.


Stephen Baugh (earnwithstephen)


Adam Davies (7dayplan)

Hello my name is Adam Davies and I am an Internet Marketer and Online Business Owner.

I enjoy helping show other people how to create themselves successful online businesses and also create multiple income streams too. True success comes when you are able to help teach others how to duplicate your efforts and not only become successful, but to teach their acquired knowledge and skills to their team as well.


John Navata (partnerwithjohn)


William Finch (billfinchjr)


Corey Gulick (Coreygulick)


Jeffrey Siewert (jas082058)


James Lawrence (jamesdl)

internet affiliate marketer since 2011
Now LifeStyle (All-in VIP Elite)
my home is with Now LifeStyle


Marry Sugutskaia (Marrin)


Marty Bostick (martbost)

So I guess one of the hardest things to do is write about who you are and what you actually do.

I mean, it sounds easy, but it actually isn’t when you get down to it.

Here goes…

My name is Marty Bostick (Martin when I was in trouble as a kid).

I’ve been a full-time career IT professional in the database management discipline since 1989, but I’ve been a hardcore entrepreneur and Internet Marketer since the mid 90’s.

I currently run a Telegram Group as a Crypto Team Build where I train others on how to earn crypto the right way. You can be part of it as well here:

I’m married with three grown kids and three grandkids.

I’ve probably done just about every facet of IT work that you could possibly think of and my nickname is to most of my friends is “Nerd Herder” ????

I am also an info-product creator with a few successful product launches under my belt now and always working on the next one.

04-28-2022 11:04:35 AM

Earn 50% Commissions on two levels with our advertising platform

When you become an affiliate with our network advertising platform! You will now be able to earn 50% commissions across two levels on all of your referrals that join and resell our banner and text

... (continue reading →)

08-23-2021 07:08:28 PM

Helium Mining Progress Update August 23rd 2021

Okay folks, today is August 23rd, 2021 and I thought I'd post a new mining progress update on where I'm at now.

Things are starting to settle in and pick up a bit, which is great.

... (continue reading →)


Christine Pham (Netbusiness)