Leased Ad Space
1. On free advertising sites, Offer something that greatly appeals to as many of the people who are using that free advertising as possible. If only one person out of 100 would be interested in what your ad promotes then 99% of the time your ads will be seen by people who don't want your product or service.
2. Promote something that is really free with no credit card info required. Free trials are okay, but even those will scare away many people who otherwise are excellent prospects for your business. And requiring credit card info up front will eliminate both those who don't have a credit card, and also those who will never ever give out their credit card info to anyone unless they are very sure they want to pay for what they will get in return.
3. Get the name and email of the person who accepts your free offer. Obviously, you need that to send them your free gift, and once you have that contact information you can follow up and build a relationship with them which can lead to sales for you and more benefits for them.
4. Make sure you have a good follow-up system in place to get those who accept your free gift go from being simply curious about how you might be of help to them, to become committed members of your team.
5. Advertise something that will let you earn at least some money for every prospect who gives you their name and email in order to get their free gift. Say, for example, 10 cents for each one, so you'd earn $1 if 10 people get added to your mailing list, and $10 if 100 get added to it, and $100 if 1,000 get added to it even if all that happens is they simply give you their name and email address. (This could help you cover the cost of buying your ad credits instead of clicking ads to get them on free advertising sites.)
How can you accomplish all these things from free advertising? I only know of one company that can give you a way to do all five, and I am using it. This extraordinary service it is doing remarkably well for me and thousands of other online marketers. Using it is getting us more money and more sign ups to our primary businesses.
This wonderful service is called Gorilla Marketing Pro. You can join for free and use many of their powerful services for free forever. I urge you to join right now. Why put off what could help you make the most from free advertising?
About Chris Shouse

I am an Entrepreneur from head to toe. I am a mother and a grandmother. I am always learning new things. Reading books and articles. Taking courses to better me and sharpen my skills. I love Affiliate Marketing. There are many amazing programs out there. Love to find them and share them. If you find a tool you want to share have you tried IBO to get your ideas and out there, things to share and a great community. Best of all it is free. Give it a try.