Leased Ad Space
So many small businesses can be helped with Genusity. Mom and Pop stores, Pizza Places, Diners well the list just goes on and on. If you ask any one of them how much they pay for advertising they would probably roll their eyes and just say a lot. Value Pacs cost a lot of money, newspaper supplement ads cost a lot of money and if they put their business on the radio you know that is big bucks! What do you think their ROI is on this forms of advertising? If you say not too great you are most likely correct.
With Genusity they will have a unit (we have 5 to choose from so they can pick what is right for their business) Who knows how many units they are going to need. If it is a delivery business of any kind and they have drivers out they will want more than just a walk in Diner. What else do they get for something that is going to revolutionize the way they do advertising for a fraction of the cost?
They will have a fullback office! I mean loaded with everything to run a business (You as an associate will have one also.) There will be a CRM, top of the line simply to build, landing pages, autoresponder which will allow them to email their clients with specials. How much is this going to cost? $15.00 a month! Imagine having everything you need to run your business for $15.00 a month.
Genusity is still in Beta-Launch but you will want to lock yourself in NOW before they go into Soft-Launch
October 16 will be the Soft Launch date, and that is when you will get your website, replicated pages, and marketing system to help you get signups and orders. This soft launch will allow for the system to be thoroughly tested in preparation for the soon to follow pre-launch.
November 6 will be the Pre-Launch Date. and that is when the actual units will get shipped out and go into operation. Will you be among the first to get those units and make use of them to market your own business? Will you be among the first associates who get to sell them online and to local businesses to help them get more customers?
So get yourself on the list!!! Genusity
About Chris Shouse

I am an Entrepreneur from head to toe. I am a mother and a grandmother. I am always learning new things. Reading books and articles. Taking courses to better me and sharpen my skills. I love Affiliate Marketing. There are many amazing programs out there. Love to find them and share them. If you find a tool you want to share have you tried IBO to get your ideas and out there, things to share and a great community. Best of all it is free. Give it a try.