Email Marketing is very effective

Published by Klaus Krueger — 02-13-2018 02:02:42 PM

If you are looking for a simple and very effective method to generate leads - you should pay a look at email marketing. Especially cause the costs are very low. Use the free trial of 30 days.

Email Marketing is one of the most cost effective ways to generate new prospects and communicate with customers. To get the best results, you should use email marketing best practices.

What is it?

When compared to the cost of Direct Mail, email marketing is considerably less expensive and can have a much larger and faster impact on immediate sales. You only have to pay under 18 Dollars a month. And if you have three active referrals, you don't pay nothing at all.

Email marketing has a lot of advantages. No other medium allows such easy and measurable access to help your business build value and credibility.

Do it correctly

But keep in mind: email matketing has to be done correctly. Done incorrectly, it may spoil your business.

With the email marketing best practices your business will make the most of your email marketing campaigns. And you maximize your return on investment.

It is our goal and sincere desire that you and your business effectively implement and benefit from this guide.

And here is the guide written by Brian Rooney, the Founder and CEO auf TrafficWave for you.

Use These Email Marketing Best Practices Tips:

Only send emails to people and businesses who have requested to receive them. Otherwise, you are spamming (sending unsolicited commercial email) which will undoubtedly get your emails blacklisted, blocked, and trashed.

Only send content that is relevant to what the receiver has requested. When someone requests information from you, they are placing their trust in you that they will receive relevant information. Violating that trust can quickly cause your prospects to unsubscribe.

Be consistent with your sending schedule, whether daily, weekly, bi-weekly. As your subscribers become familiar with your consistency, their trust in you (and your value to them) are increased.

The best results

For best results, we recommend sending business emails on Tuesdays through Thursdays. Business emails sent on Mondays can easily be lost in the weekend clutter. Business emails sent on a Friday can easily be ignored in the rush to get away from the office for the weekend.

Make your “From” name in your messages either your company name or the name of a constact person at your business. Then be consistent in using that name. Many times, the decision to open an email or not is made in a split-second. By using a name that is familiar to your subscribers, you dramatically improve the odds of having your message opened.

No multiple exclamation marks

Avoid using all caps or multiple exclamation marks in your subject line or body. Not only does this make your message appear unprofessional but it will also trigger spam filters which will cause your messages to get blocked.

Don’t try to “trick” spam filters by doing things like adding dots to your words (like F.R.E.E.). Email companies employee staff to constantly monitor and manage filters to catch these tricks. Keep your writing professional and always write with regard to the actual human being that will be reading the message when it is opened.

Use your opportunitys

Never miss an opportunity to build your list. Add subscription forms to your web site or blog. When you receive a business card, ask if you can add them to your email list. If you have a brick and mortar business location, place a signup sheet in view of your customers and offer to send them email updates, special offers, coupons, etc…

Track your click-throughs. Knowing how well your messages are generating reader interest can help you maximize your email marketing campaigns. Tracking your open rates and click-throughs helps you see which messages are getting the best responses and which messages may need some tweaking.

Keys To Successful Email Marketing:

Always use a permission-based email marketing system such as that provided by

Decide on the type of content you will be sending such as a newsletter, coupon offers, special announcements, training, sales messages, etc… and stick to that type of content.

Add signup forms to your blog or web site so that you can start converting web site visitors in to subscribers.

Create a good email template using’s HTML Editor. Your in-house team can create a template, you can select from a pre-formatted template in your back office, or you can have one of our team create a custom template for a nominal charge.

Send quality content

Develop quality relevant content and begin sending your message out to your list. Continue sending relevant content to your list, making sure to keep your schedule consistent. As your list grows, you will begin to notice increased repeat traffic to your web site and/or place of business which should result on increased sales (If applicable).

Use personalization in your subject lines and content to improve open and response rates in your email marketing. This is accomplished by inserting tokens in to your body message as you create your messages in the HTML Editor. Studies show that sending personalized content can result in 6x higher conversion rates.

Receiving the messages

Remind your subscribers to add your email address to their approved senders list. As major ISP’s are becoming increasingly aggressive about filtering email, you will want to be sure your subscribers can receive your messages. You can accomplish this by adding a reminder to your subscription confirmation pages, such as:

To ensure you receive the requested information, please add to your Address Book. Thank you!

These email marketing best practices can go a long way toward helping you get the best results.

pic: Ulrich 

About Klaus Krueger


Hi, I love to write – as a journalist and as an author. On my blogs and in my books.