LAS Blogs: Xavier Rivera

About Xavier Rivera


Hi I'm Xavier, a husband and father of 3 daughters. I live in Arizona and enjoy spending time with my wife and kids when I'm not online. My motivation is fueled with them in mind. As an online entrepreneur, I've seen a lot of opportunities, some awesome, and others not so much. I'm currently running a done for you ad campaign where you can add all your business links onto a rotator that I then drive traffic to using all of my traffic websites.

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

It Is What It Is

Published on 03-02-2017 05:03:28 AM by Xavier Rivera

How would you answer this question?

Is the time spent and priority assigned to getting money more important than other things you value in life?

Take a moment to consider what those things are or rather who they are that comes before money, yet somehow we've lost site of what's

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7 Facebook Tips For Your Success

Published on 03-01-2017 09:03:40 PM by Xavier Rivera

When promoting on Facebook, it can be easy to get caught up with all that's going on, from political opinions to Facebook friends spamming you at every turn. Here's a few "7 Facebook Tips For Your Success"

1. Create a Fan Page for each Niche

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Referral Partners Wanted

Published on 03-01-2017 08:03:36 PM by Xavier Rivera

As the founder of the Work From Home Directory, it's my passion to help others by providing a central hub where marketers may share their home based businesses so that those seeking a way to make money from are able to find them and join them. Of course I'm only 1 person so I decided to invite a

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