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Exciting opportunities abundantly appear in my life.
Published by Tequila Dodard — 04-07-2017 11:04:26 PM
Hi there,
If you are like me you love to start your day on the note as well as end it on a good foot. HAHA not sure if that all made sense however, what I am saying is we all can have good days if we take the time to reflect and look at what is all around us. So here is a little something you can say to yourself or out loud at this moment or whenever. Ready? Ok, here goes...say this:
New opportunities surround me every day. All I need to do is recognize them and take the leap of faith. I have an abundance mindset that keeps my mind open to these new opportunities.
Each morning I greet the new day with excitement and anticipation. I give thanks for my blessings and wonder what good this day will bring. When I search for the good in my day, I often find beautiful, hidden gems.
Living in the moment helps me recognize new opportunities. When I focus on the present, regrets of the past and worries of the future simply cannot exist. I explore all options of the moment in my mind and take decisive action to seize those opportunities that can benefit me.
My abundance mindset includes a healthy optimism that brings me confidence and helps me get over any hurdles in my path. When challenges arise, I expect that there is a solution and I seek it out. I inevitably find it and continue happily toward my goal.
Today, "Seize the day!" is my mantra. My plan is to keep an eye out for those opportunities that I know, without a doubt, will appear and then go for them with all the gusto I've got!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I expect that good things will happen to me each day?
2. How can I make my mind more open to new possibilities?
3. How can I encourage myself to take swift action on the opportunities I find?
There you go! An affirmation for you :).
Until next time,
Connect with me on Facebook at: Tequila Dodard
About Tequila Dodard

Hello I'm Tequila, I am a Social Media and Idea Strategist. I like to sum it up as, " I am an Info-preneur who likes to make you look good online. I am on a mission to help people who have never made consistent money online do so by helping them map their skills. I help individuals map their life and business plans whether it be online or off. In the end, I keep in mind who you are and your why because when it's all said and done; you have to: StandOUT and Be YOU! Ready to increase you presence, create streams of income and StandOUT? Great...let's do it!!!