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LAS Blogs: Tequila Dodard
About Tequila Dodard

Hello I'm Tequila, I am a Social Media and Idea Strategist. I like to sum it up as, " I am an Info-preneur who likes to make you look good online. I am on a mission to help people who have never made consistent money online do so by helping them map their skills. I help individuals map their life and business plans whether it be online or off. In the end, I keep in mind who you are and your why because when it's all said and done; you have to: StandOUT and Be YOU! Ready to increase you presence, create streams of income and StandOUT? Great...let's do it!!!
Get 400 Leads or more just from attending events.
Published on 08-04-2017 01:08:46 PM by Tequila Dodard
Who would have thought you could build your list of prospects just from walking around at events. Well it works.
I decided to give this tiny little device a chance and I am so glad I did. It's called proximity marketing and a tiny device that I program messages in
... (continue reading →)Dang it!!! Bitcoin!!!
Published on 06-19-2017 04:06:08 AM by Tequila Dodard
Seems we can't get away from it. Especially if you have decided to generate income online. I am seeing it everywhere are you?
When I first saw Bitcoin it
... (continue reading →)The Best Mindset to Approach Traffic Generation
Published on 05-16-2017 03:05:44 AM by Tequila Dodard
The mindset that you approach traffic generation with is important. This is where I see a lot of new comers or even novice internet marketers go wrong. They bounce back a forth
How to Measure Social Media ROI
Published on 05-03-2017 09:05:48 PM by Tequila Dodard
How much time, energy, and money do you spend on social media marketing? Do you know? Perhaps more importantly,
I lost all my savings...YIKES!!!
Published on 04-10-2017 12:04:25 AM by Tequila Dodard
Over the last couple months I have heard this at least 3 times and that is frightening so say the least. Actually it really saddens me. It's why I actually created a Facebook group to
Exciting opportunities abundantly appear in my life.
Published on 04-07-2017 11:04:26 PM by Tequila Dodard
Hi there,
If you are like me you love to start your day on the note as well as end it on a good foot. HAHA not sure if that all made sense however, what I am saying is we all can
... (continue reading →)Create Abundance by Changing Your Habits
Published on 04-05-2017 06:04:02 PM by Tequila Dodard
Whether you’d like to lose a few pounds, enhance your love life, or make more money, your habits are important. Your current situation is the
... (continue reading →)