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Get 400 Leads or more just from attending events.
Published by Tequila Dodard — 08-04-2017 01:08:46 PM
Who would have thought you could build your list of prospects just from walking around at events. Well it works.
I decided to give this tiny little device a chance and I am so glad I did. It's called proximity marketing and a tiny device that I program messages in broadcasts my messages to individuals with phones within 800 yards of me. Simply genius.
I attended an event and when I returned home I gained more leads within a short amount of time like never before, simply by walking around.
Now imagine your being a realtor, restaurant owner, boutique shop.... you can create a message and have individuals passing by constantly receiving any offer you choose on their phone. Again, it's just genius.
To learn more click the link below and if you have questions simply shoot me message.
Here's to building your list and business!!!
About Tequila Dodard

Hello I'm Tequila, I am a Social Media and Idea Strategist. I like to sum it up as, " I am an Info-preneur who likes to make you look good online. I am on a mission to help people who have never made consistent money online do so by helping them map their skills. I help individuals map their life and business plans whether it be online or off. In the end, I keep in mind who you are and your why because when it's all said and done; you have to: StandOUT and Be YOU! Ready to increase you presence, create streams of income and StandOUT? Great...let's do it!!!