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Over the last couple months I have heard this at least 3 times and that is frightening so say the least. Actually it really saddens me. It's why I actually created a Facebook group to try to combat this. More on the group later.
If you suffer from spending money on program after program after program and you're going broke trying to do so then maybe it's finally time to STOP!
If you're contemplating signing up for a program that is going to cost you over 1k upfront then you need really re-think it. Especially if you do not have not learned basic online skills.
You need to learn the basics before jumping into any program that is promising you they will make you a millionaire tomorrow or even next month. What millionaire do you know became one in a day? Well maybe a select few but very small amount, right?
I am going to be honest... If you are totally new to being online, you are not going to make thousands tomorrow; not if you have not even master the right skills. In fact, you are going to drain your bank account.... if you have not already done so.
STOP and listen to this for a moment! When you specialize and obtain a degree in school you do not expect to make money immediately do you? Well the same goes for being online. You have to first learn the skill, master the skill then apply the skill. It is then afterwards you see the benefits and you get your ROI, right?
Learn, Master, Share and then reap the benefits of your ROI.
There are three initial areas of application you need to be successful online and they are:
Willingness to LEARN
Now right now I am helping individuals in this program why? Because it has all this.... and it is putting money into the pockets of newbies and they are loving it. Yeah, yeah if you are not a newbie it's good for you too.
The training is phenomenal and at such a low cost: FREE. Which I can't believe it's free but hey it is so what do you have to loose. Yeah I know you would rather pay the $997 for the course, right? Well I am sure they will allow you to pay the $997 however, if you want it FREE you still have time to join in and I can get you all caught up.
You also will have support galore behind you with getting all set up. You are learning a new skill that you can set up, rinse and repeat over and over again.
We are only 8 days in and you still have time to join after day 10 I think it will be too much to get you all caught up. Already in a week the members have increased by 2k and many are seeing results. Having results and money in your pocket sounds like a good plan right? If it does then...
Click below to
Always to your success,
The girl who likes to research a program and report back to you!!!
Oh don't forget to follow me on Facebook at: Tequila Dodard
Oh and if you are interested in joining the private group I mentioned earlier...come say HI to me on Facebook and I will invite you in!!!
About Tequila Dodard

Hello I'm Tequila, I am a Social Media and Idea Strategist. I like to sum it up as, " I am an Info-preneur who likes to make you look good online. I am on a mission to help people who have never made consistent money online do so by helping them map their skills. I help individuals map their life and business plans whether it be online or off. In the end, I keep in mind who you are and your why because when it's all said and done; you have to: StandOUT and Be YOU! Ready to increase you presence, create streams of income and StandOUT? Great...let's do it!!!