LAS Blogs: Ophelie Le Bail

About Ophelie Le Bail


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Why the French state will seize your real estate

Published on 06-11-2024 11:06:22 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

The level of public debt in Europe is high and only increasing...

Faced with this observation, certain branches of government are trying to find solutions to channel and reduce this debt.

What could be better than going to rob (spoil in reality), once again, the owners of real

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Bucket of banners

Published on 05-27-2024 11:05:00 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

BoB is NOT your ordinary banner ad system! Brought to you by Brad Webb, owner of State-Of-The-Art-Mailer. BucketsOfBanners is a banner exchange with a twist. Even non-site

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Published on 05-13-2024 08:05:31 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

Surfe is a paid advertising and microtasking platform. You can switchfrom one to the other at any time: sometimes user, sometimes advertiser, allowing you to use your

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How to win every time on the stock market ?

Published on 04-29-2024 05:04:11 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

Investing can sometimes be scary. The media never miss an opportunity to talk about it.

But are there really more negative events happening now than before?

Should investors seriously consider all these negative events or can they override them, whether it is a crisis, a war, a

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Published on 04-22-2024 12:04:47 PM by Ophelie Le Bail


Pangea is one of the sites owned by owner Maryanne Meyers. It has built over the years a solid network of marketing sites since 1998 whose seriousness and skills are

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Published on 04-08-2024 12:04:52 PM by Ophelie Le Bail

State of the art mailer is an innovative site in the sense that it isthe only one to offer escalation buttons to unlock as you is activeand/or buys higher

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How to choose an SCPI ?

Published on 03-18-2024 10:03:23 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

You want to invest, but how do you get there when you don't know anything about it?

Indeed, proposals on the internet and agencies can

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Survival plan for unstable world.

Published on 03-11-2024 10:03:26 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

I was talking with a loved one on the phone recently and the loved one was wondering what direction the world was heading in. It’s true that he can sometimes seem crazy and uncertain. It may seem like it's going too fast.

If you've known me for a while, you know that I'm an optimistic

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How to detect fake gold coins. 6 anti-scam tests.

Published on 02-26-2024 08:02:42 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

Why invest in gold ? It is a safe haven that will never experience a crisis. Your money is protected from banks.
It is a profitable investment.

Now the difficulty is: where to buy your gold?

Unfortunately the Bank of France no longer sells its gold to individuals. Banks go to gold

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Increase your financial IQ (book)

Published on 02-19-2024 09:02:33 AM by Ophelie Le Bail

I have just finished this book which I highly recommend to learn how to manage and protect your money. Essential financial education to get out of debt, escape financial predators and grow your money intelligently.

A very educational book that can easily be read from adolescence onwards.

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