LAS Blogs: Seely Clark

About Seely Clark


I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as a RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care. What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion! Over the last several years, it has started to come together for me. I am now able to work online full time It is AMAZING! Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet. I have learned many things that don’t work and and much that DOES work. One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed. So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

How video can 100 x your your online success!

Published on 06-23-2018 03:06:17 PM by Seely Clark

Hey my friend,

Just dropping in with some more continuing education for ya...

Here is a video on how to do video at no cost to you.

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In this attention deficit, banner blind, over stimulated world of online marketing here's one simple method to control the chaos and stay on target!

Published on 06-23-2018 01:06:21 AM by Seely Clark

Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening! 

(Depending on when you read this!)

It's sunny and beautiful here in Florida-

as I sit here on my picnic table and am writing you.... 

I have a little lizard that's perched on the edge of the

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With all the complicated tools, tricks, and methods out there in online business, simple can still be best!

Published on 06-21-2018 02:06:49 AM by Seely Clark

Hey my friend,


Here is another video in a continuing education series that I

promised you.


This one is actually pretty cool...

But before you watch this video it is essential that you know ow

to copy and paste.



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One of the most often overlooked skills newbies will need online...

Published on 06-20-2018 03:06:55 AM by Seely Clark

Hey my friend,

Now you may not be a "newbie" but just in case you don't know how

to do this, I will show you.


Because you're going to need to do this alot in the course of

your online

business, even one as simple as

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One of the long term keys to success in ANY online business- how to be able to see what they see...

Published on 06-20-2018 12:06:08 AM by Seely Clark

No matter what business you are in, at some point

you will need help from others. That's just a fact.


The quickest and easiest way to get over the shoulder

help from someone so you can see their screen like you

are there and so they can see yours is

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I may owe many of you an apology...Especially newbie internet marketers, new online business owners, and budding email marketers...

Published on 06-19-2018 12:06:44 PM by Seely Clark

Hey everyone! Here's the thing, as an experienced marketer I may  have assumed

too much...


What do I mean by that?


I mean, that despite the fact that I remember what it was like to

be brand new to the world of online and internet

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This business is as simple as falling off a chair after too many beers!

Published on 06-18-2018 02:06:01 PM by Seely Clark

Just dropping in to show you that it's NOT complicated to get

started with Now LifeStyle.




FIRST STEP: If you don't have an account, create one

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If you pass this kind of EASY business up- you will regret it FOREVER!!!

Published on 06-10-2018 03:06:55 AM by Seely Clark

NOTHING has ever been like this-

I've been online since 2010 and I am telling you straight up-

If you pass on this, you WILL regret it. 

There is not a more SIMPLE, complete, done for you business
than this one I am about to show

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Here's the secret to starting the BEST income engine ever devised in the history of mankind!!

Published on 06-09-2018 03:06:17 PM by Seely Clark

I have for you the get started videos that, IF you take the time

to watch them...


(They're super short) and will have you setup and ready to turn on

your income machine with

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To say "no" to this, you must secretly be in LOVE...

Published on 06-08-2018 08:06:37 PM by Seely Clark

Some people want success, talk about success, and dream about
success, but take no action!

They must, on some level be okay with life the way it is...
Because it's safe, because it's comfortable, because it's
familiar....Yeah, it's miserable, but at least they know what

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