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LAS Blogs: David Gardner
About David Gardner

Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.
No. More. Recruiting!
Published on 09-03-2022 01:09:35 PM by David Gardner
I don't think anyone really likes to recruit!
Time, effort, money (advertising/gas etc.) and endless rejections are some of the key things that keep people away from jobs or opps that require you to
... (continue reading →)Sharing pictures to build your list and make recruiting easy!
Published on 08-31-2022 05:08:25 PM by David Gardner
Did you know that you can build your email list when people share pictures and videos with you?
The new Memory Place software that launched today in Beta does just that and removes the stress of trying to
... (continue reading →)Shh...Early Backdoor Access
Published on 08-30-2022 03:08:32 PM by David Gardner
Need to keep this one on the DL if you know what I mean...We have been testing this for a while now and tomorrow it officially goes into a "Beta" Launch but I want you to have first access.
And it has 75%
... (continue reading →)3 headline templates for your advertising!
Published on 08-15-2022 01:08:49 PM by David Gardner
I just finished another post with 3 headline templates you can use to get your advertising ranking up.
Obviously you are going to have to fill in the blanks as I do not know exactly what niche you want to
... (continue reading →)Fast Workouts?
Published on 08-13-2022 12:08:56 PM by David Gardner
Obviously I am not all business all the time...I like to be active and get in a workout when I can squeeze it in.
Trust me, sometimes it's more like forcing it in, but...
... (continue reading →)9 qualities of a great lead magnet
Published on 08-12-2022 02:08:16 PM by David Gardner
When you receive and read emails from companies or the 'gurus' it is likely because something enticed you to give them your contact details.
That was related to a lead magnet and I just made a new post of 9 qualities of a great lead magnet that I would love your feedback
... (continue reading →)3 Questions you must ask!
Published on 08-10-2022 08:08:43 PM by David Gardner
Re-purposing content can be simple and an easy way to get more content flowing when you have moments of not knowing what the hell to post or if you already have a bunch of content you are getting ready you can create it in different ways.
Ray Higdon also called it un-cashed checks, where
... (continue reading →)How to define your target market
Published on 08-08-2022 01:08:39 PM by David Gardner
It's been an amazing summer so far and after a hectic couple weeks of travelling to Las Vegas, a lacrosse tournament and some other things I had to take care of first I am now starting to dive deep into some of the amazing content I learned at the Digital Networker Live conference and be able to
... (continue reading →)What an insane week...Screaming, crying and more!
Published on 07-28-2022 08:07:39 PM by David Gardner
This last week has been absolutely amazing!
I was in Las Vegas for the Digital Networker Live event workshop and conference and will be sharing some of the big take
... (continue reading →)$6783 in Bonuses for Live event tickets
Published on 06-20-2022 10:06:05 PM by David Gardner
I just put up a page with almost $7K in bonuses for the Digital Networker Live Event