LAS Blogs: Francois Kok

About Francois Kok


Who am I? Just a regular guy who likes to interact with others on lead generation, marketing, promoting and the fun side of the business. Looking to always improve my outlook on life and help others achieve the success that having a mindset for personal growth. As a master in the art of living, I draw no sharp distinctions between my work and play, my labour, my mind, my education and my recreation. Anyways just wanted to connect Currently, I am Living in South Africa on the western side of one of the major cities called Johannesburg in a town called Krugersdorp. "Seeker of Peace - Legend in His Own Time World Traveler, Casual Hero, Soldier of Fortune, Philosopher, Wars Fought, Tigers Tamed, Uprisings Quelled. - ALL ROUND GOOD GUY - "

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

Discover Your True Passions

Published on 12-16-2017 06:12:20 AM by Francois Kok

Discover Your True Passions

If you’re lucky, you’ve already discovered many of your passions and get to spend much of your time enjoying things that bring you excitement and joy. However, maybe

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Life-Changing Tips for Maintaining Positive Energy Everyday

Published on 09-06-2017 03:09:08 PM by Francois Kok

Life-Changing Tips for Maintaining Positive Energy Everyday

How does a typical day start for you?

Does the following scenario sound all too familiar?

YOU Simply Cannot Go Wrong

Have You Ever Done Something That

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Setting Boundaries: How Establishing Limits Can Transform Your Life

Published on 09-05-2017 10:09:09 AM by Francois Kok

Setting Boundaries: How Establishing Limits Can Transform Your Life

Would you like to make more time for the important things in your life? Do you feel like you often get lost in the details?

If you can set healthy limits, you'll regain control of your

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8 Ways to Energize Your Creativity

Published on 09-05-2017 02:09:50 AM by Francois Kok

If you have a career that requires creativity or you’ve ever needed a creative solution to a problem, you’re aware of how challenging it can be to be creative on command. Creativity seems to come and go with little rhyme or reason. Have you ever wished you

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Cultivating Courage

Published on 09-04-2017 11:09:55 AM by Francois Kok

Are your fears holding you back from living the life you deserve? Do you wish you could show more courage in your day-to-day dealings with others?

If you had more courage, maybe you could ask for that raise you've been waiting for, feel more confident in closing that next sale, or even

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How to Develop More Patience

Published on 09-02-2017 07:09:26 AM by Francois Kok

When you gain the wisdom of patience, you can improve your life as well as the lives of the people around you. Not only that, but you'll also become a calmer and peaceful person.

You might find that you're patient in some areas, and lacking in others. No matter

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Fool Proof System Make 4% - 6%

Published on 08-28-2017 06:08:42 AM by Francois Kok

Fool Proof System Make 4% - 6%

Weekly Without Recruiting Or Selling!

See The Jaw Dropping results of this documented & proven model.

The Questra World Company held a "Leadership" program in Germany

Published on 05-15-2017 08:05:52 AM by Francois Kok

The Questra World Company held a "Leadership" program in Germany  <=== See the video

Dear friends, Questra World Company continues to conduct new series of the 4th season of the Leadership training events. This year,

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The Questra World Spring Vacation in Dubai (UAE)

Published on 05-11-2017 04:05:37 AM by Francois Kok

The Questra World Spring Vacation in Dubai (UAE)

See the video her or click the

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Training event in Vietnam – LEADERSHIP

Published on 05-07-2017 01:05:20 PM by Francois Kok

Training event in Vietnam – LEADERSHIP

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