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LAS Blogs: Philip Harman
About Philip Harman

Thank you for taking the time to look at my LeasedAdSpace ‘public profile’ page. Leased Ad Space About Me: Philip Harman Colorado Entrepreneur, I love family, friends and the great outdoors, Been working Online since 1997. My name is Philip Harman. I am 62 years old. My lovely wife Lisa still puts up with me and my online adventures. We have four wonderful children, seven grandchildren And oh yes our very hyperactive Siberian Husky whose name is Browser, that loves to play. I was born in Gettysburg Pennsylvania and now live just minutes away from the Beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains. My Hobbies and Interests My hobbies and interests are Gold Prospecting, Fishing, Hiking Camping Hot Rods Stamp Collecting, Internet Technology and Exploring the great outdoors. Philip Harman is Also KulaBrands Influencer We help launch new products, and companies, into the market. In return, we get paid royalties for the life of each product/project. Thank For Visiting MY Leased Ad Space Blog Be sure Join Leased Ad Space it Rocks. Please Checkout My Personal Bio
The Biggest Powerline Pre-Launch of 2024 Just Started
Published on 06-14-2024 06:06:14 PM by Philip Harman
I'd like to invite you to the Biggest Pre-Launch Platform that you can ethically make income even without referring a single person.
1- Make daily income by simply Watching Ads.
2- Create your account to position yourself soonest possible on our global powerline and benefit from the
... (continue reading →)BREAKING NEWS Xcelerate Fuel Tabs LAUNCH ALERT
Published on 09-16-2022 06:09:05 PM by Philip Harman
Xcelerate Fuel Tabs
Create Your Free Account Today
F R E E to J O I N
... (continue reading →)BREAKING NEWS LAUNCH of Social Blast Club
Published on 07-21-2022 12:07:54 PM by Philip Harman
FOLLOW ME On our New Social Blast Club
Social Blast is a community
... (continue reading →)HealthyNULiving Opportunity 2x10 spill-over matrix is worth $5,150. a month.
Published on 12-20-2021 06:12:15 PM by Philip Harman
Watch Our HealthyNULiving Affiliate Opportunity Pay Plan Video at:
... (continue reading →)The M2M Donations Team
Published on 12-05-2019 01:12:26 PM by Philip Harman
The M2M Donations Team
The program "M2M Donation" is
• A completely automated platform, which functions a global level
• Basically it represents a matrix system 3x2
• The software makes an automatic upgrade,
Earn Easy Commissions
Published on 08-14-2018 10:08:40 AM by Philip Harman
Earn Easy Commissions
You’ve just got paid!
Imagine waking up, checking your email
and receiving multiple sales notifications
like this every single day like clockwork.
Well, that is very possible when you use
a powerful automated
... (continue reading →)Highly Recommend Awesome Site Check out MembersRule!
Published on 07-31-2018 08:07:30 AM by Philip Harman
Highly Recommend Awesome Site Check out MembersRule!
This is a very unique business building community
Published on 07-25-2018 07:07:13 PM by Philip Harman
This is a very unique business building community that welcomes everyone regardless of your skill level! There are no costs, memberships, or levels with IBOtoolbox. The platform is 100% free to use. Please join me as an IBO associate.
Wait... Read This Before You Join ViralURL!
Published on 07-19-2018 07:07:52 PM by Philip Harman
So you have finally stepped into the world of making money online. You too, like the others, have decided to start with the affiliate programs. Also, you must have heard that it's not a big deal to make good money with affiliate marketing, provided you choose the right programs and do some
Published on 07-16-2018 11:07:54 AM by Philip Harman