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Inside all our bodies (and our pets too) there is an endocannabinoid system
with receptors spread throughout the brain and body. When these receptors
are activated, they enable 2 way communication between body systems..
This was previously thought to be impossible!
Bet you didn't know you had an endocannabinoid system within your body did you :)
Our cbd (CTFO's) isolate oil contains absolutely no THC (THC is what gives you the high)
and the full spectrum oil gives you the highest potency of cbd while maintaining over
120 other cannabinoids, all of which have additional healing benefits. There is less
than 0.3 percent THC in full spectrum oils, regardless of the strength, which is in
no way going to have any kind of psychoactive results when used.
There are more than 400 phytonutrients in hemp plants. Our extraction process allow us to
extract all these nutrients without using heat or harmful solvents..the result is a whole
food with exceptional healing and nutritional qualities. Did you catch that? A whole FOOD
product that helps in healing and nutrition!
CTFO cbd is of the highest and purest quality plus has 400 other nutrients and is
easy to use and easy to absorb..
This truly is a groundbreaking health solution through helping to support the immune systems function
and promoting the regeneration of healthy cells.
CBD Oils help to promote better sleep, younger looking skin, less anxiety, helps you to have less pain,
helps stave off muscle cramps plus a plethora of other health issues..CBD oils just help promote
all around wellness.
I use CBD 10xpure on a daily basis, I have severe arthritis of the spine, stenosis of the spine,
degenerative disc disease, a herniated disc and a bulging disc but don't want to get caught up
in the surgery after surgery game. I am sure we all know someone who has had back surgery after
back surgery and what happens? It all comes back again eventually and you find yourself talking to yet
another neurosurgeon!
The 10xpure CBD Oil keeps me out of that loop. All around Great Product!
Written by LaDonna (John's Other Half)
John Ducette
Followers (406)
About John Ducette

I am a mechanic and metal plater turned entrepreneur..retired so needed to supplement my ss check..Like all retirees, it just doesn't stretch! I am a viet Nam Vet and after all theses years I still don't know WHAT the heck that was all about.. My Girl Friend of 19 years and I take in forgotton and left behind and or abused cats and dogs so they will have a loving home and a peaceful life..we have 11 Cats and 10 dogs at this point..pretty much keeps us hoppin' lol Thats us in a nutshell..Happy to meet you all :)