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LAS Blogs: John Ducette
About John Ducette

I am a mechanic and metal plater turned entrepreneur..retired so needed to supplement my ss check..Like all retirees, it just doesn't stretch! I am a viet Nam Vet and after all theses years I still don't know WHAT the heck that was all about.. My Girl Friend of 19 years and I take in forgotton and left behind and or abused cats and dogs so they will have a loving home and a peaceful life..we have 11 Cats and 10 dogs at this point..pretty much keeps us hoppin' lol Thats us in a nutshell..Happy to meet you all :)
Understanding is the first step to freedom
Published on 03-04-2019 07:03:45 PM by John Ducette
Hello there :)
See what the doctors are saying..Incredible!
... (continue reading →)No surfing, reading, sorting emails, clicking..Reach 280,000 members
Published on 02-21-2019 04:02:15 PM by John Ducette
Hello There,
Want 2 GOOD blasters that has far reaching crowd?
And it does it with only 7 clicks?
Reach 280,000 members at TOP QUALITY sites?
... (continue reading →)Newbies and those starting over UNITE!
Published on 01-27-2019 04:01:21 PM by John Ducette
This IS the place to be to enjoy the company of all like minded entrepreneurs such as yourself :) A Place to learn and earn..A place to communicate..A place where people understand the issues, concerns and pitfalls of internet marketing..
... (continue reading →)
Published on 01-25-2019 06:01:30 PM by John Ducette
Inside all our bodies (and our pets too) there is an endocannabinoid system
with receptors spread throughout the brain and body. When these receptors
are activated, they enable 2 way communication between body systems..
This was previously thought to be
What do you know about link tracking?
Published on 12-10-2018 04:12:02 PM by John Ducette
Did you know that most people fail with Internet marketing
because they do not track where they get the best results
with their advertising efforts?
Well, today I am going to share a resource with you
... (continue reading →)Stay CALM and BEAT Fibromyalgia
Published on 12-08-2018 03:12:53 PM by John Ducette
Fibromyalgia, for those that may not know, is widespread pain that freels like you have been beat with a baseball bat.
It can be in your upper body, your lower body or both and is extremely dibilitating.
It is not known exactly what it is caused by but has been described as over
... (continue reading →)Join the CBD Cash Flow Free
Published on 12-04-2018 10:12:22 PM by John Ducette
Find out what CBD Really is then
Set yourself up with the
next BILLION DOLLAR Industry..
Be in Business FOR Yourself..
But NEVER By Yourself!
The Products are REAL
... (continue reading →)