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This IS the place to be to enjoy the company of all like minded entrepreneurs such as yourself :) A Place to learn and earn..A place to communicate..A place where people understand the issues, concerns and pitfalls of internet marketing..
We have a lot of top earners here that are willing to help in any way they can.
They are here at CJ because they can see what it can do for their businesses..Do you have that vision?
and how easily a new to the internet person can build their business with it.
OR if you are new to internet marketing you can start out with CJ and learn how to build a business by building CJ.
Just follow the Simple Three Step Plan..Learn from the top vigilant..
and BOOM! You are on your way to making money on the internet.
Simple..Free..Easy and Fun.
John Ducette
About John Ducette

I am a mechanic and metal plater turned entrepreneur..retired so needed to supplement my ss check..Like all retirees, it just doesn't stretch! I am a viet Nam Vet and after all theses years I still don't know WHAT the heck that was all about.. My Girl Friend of 19 years and I take in forgotton and left behind and or abused cats and dogs so they will have a loving home and a peaceful life..we have 11 Cats and 10 dogs at this point..pretty much keeps us hoppin' lol Thats us in a nutshell..Happy to meet you all :)