

Kiesha Michelle F

Contact Info

Facebook - Whatalifekish

Twitter - kishwhat

Location - Lillestrom, Norway

Join Date - 2017-05-10

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About Me

I am a woman with ADHD and I take no medications for it due to a stroke I had. However, I won’t give up on my laptop lifestyle! One thing I have learned is, NEVER give up and if the road you are on doesn’t work, change it, just don’t change the destination!!

I changed up my about you since things have changed for me. I now work with Beauty & Health, I have just put together a Facebook group for women entrepreneurs who have ADHD/ADD.

So if you have ADHD/ADD, please feel free to join, just remember to read the rules and answer the questions asked when you click to join ;)

Checkout These Videos!

Checkout My Writing!

Hey, thanks for checking out my writing! Below are my 5 most recent posts. You can see all of my writing over on my Personal LeasedAdSpace blog!

TitlePublication Date
There Will Always Be Something To Sign Up To Online However... 01-08-2019 04:01:22 PM
Sit Back And Let The Money Roll In.... 05-31-2017 03:05:14 PM