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I am a fiercely determined woman whose ultimate goal in life is to live EVERY moment helping others, sharing encouragement, laughs and personal insights I've gained throughout my life.
I've been through a LOT and have come out the other side better, stronger (hopefully wiser?) and a lot more empathetic than I ever was in my early days.
I was an only child so I grew up very self-absorbed, very intelligent (ask ANY of my teachers!) however what I lacked was ambition. My upbringing conditioned me to settle for "just getting by" and I lived a mediocre life, struggling to live from paycheque to paycheque. It seemed I always made it, but I was definitely 2 paycheques away from the street.
Thankfully I worked enough to be able to purchase my own home (through a non-profit charity organization) and thought I was doing all right! I was good at my job and enjoyed the people that I served. Unfortunately, I took ill and was unable to work for 7-8 months...remember the 2 paycheques away from the street I was telling you about??
Well, thank goodness I was in THIS house and had a very compassionate/understanding Board of Directors who forgave my mortgage payments entirely for a period of 6 months and lowered it significantly for another 6 months while I convalesced and got back on my feet.
I began a new career in Marketing by taking intensive courses at our local community college and absolutely loved what I was doing and learning. I made Dean's list for my first two semesters, 1/2 a course load for the summer but ended up facing another substantial health crisis in 2007 which put me home on Disability permanently.
For a long time I had resigned myself to a life of struggle, however, my husband and I had two children that put life back into my spirit and with them, a renewed desire to really BE Somebody that I and they could be proud of.
And so began my journey into online marketing and Entrepreneurship!! What a ride it's been.
My first BIG lesson: If I wanted to earn more money I had to start with improving MYSELF. What did that mean? Well, for me it meant elevating my sights and creating a vision of what my DREAM LIFESTYLE would be. It meant getting really focused on what it would look like and feel like.
Next, I needed to find a program that I could use to market MYSELF, educate me and help me build my SKILLSET so that I would have honest and proven success to share with others. I tried a few of them, some with a little bit of success, some with NO success (just being honest here) but there were a few that taught me SOOO much. I am so grateful to have learned as much as I have and I'm only just getting started...hahaha with no signs of stopping!!
This blog will be the forum that I use to share what I'm learning, what I think about different topics and I hope you'll enjoy reading and engaging with me.
Thank you for reading and please remember that YOU matter to ME!!
About Micheline Gauthier

Positive, spiritually-grounded mom of 5 building a profitable business online helping others create the life of their dreams using simple, proven systems and strategies. The only limit is OURSELVES. When we believe that we can - We can DO ANYTHING!! Let me help you discover your own talents and develop a strategy to set you free, Financial Freedom, Time Freedom and Travel Freedom can be yours if you'll spend a few years doing what MOST WON'T, so you can live the REST OF YOUR LIFE like OTHERS CAN'T