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Ever run into challenges when you try something new? Silly question, right?? We all do!!
But, so then what?
The first time you tried to walk, did you just get up and do it? I highly doubt it. Babies struggle with this for months before they are able to make it across the room without falling. But they don't stop trying.
What about riding a bike?? Did you just get on and start pedaling? I'm guessing probably not. You most likely needed your mom or dad's help learning how to balance, maybe you even needed some training wheels while your confidence developed enough to ride all by yourself. Do you remember that day??
The freedom and exhilaration of finally being able to master the bike and pedal wherever you chose!! What a gift!!
Remember these two particular examples as you journey through life.
My motto has been and continues to be Persistence beats Resistance.
When you decide to pursue something new or different, you have to expect hurdles, but when they appear - what do you do? Just decide to pack it in? Choose to let it defeat you and prevent you from doing whatever thing you were trying to do?
Maybe you need to learn more, maybe you need to ask for help? Are you really going to let those things prevent you from succeeding?
We all know that if you're unhappy with your life and you want something different, something needs to change, you need to do something different.
Will it be easy? Probably not!
Do you need help, or tools, or even moral support??
Of course, you will.
So take a deep breath, gather what you need, learn what you need to do, connect with others who can help, believe in yourself and bit by bit, your life WILL begin to change.
But only if you make up your mind to FIND A WAY and DO IT!!
About Micheline Gauthier

Positive, spiritually-grounded mom of 5 building a profitable business online helping others create the life of their dreams using simple, proven systems and strategies. The only limit is OURSELVES. When we believe that we can - We can DO ANYTHING!! Let me help you discover your own talents and develop a strategy to set you free, Financial Freedom, Time Freedom and Travel Freedom can be yours if you'll spend a few years doing what MOST WON'T, so you can live the REST OF YOUR LIFE like OTHERS CAN'T