

Renee Sullivan

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Facebook - renee.sullivan.9

Twitter - ReneeHealthNut

Location - Massachusetts

Join Date - 2016-08-16

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About Me

Hi! I'm Renee.

I help small business owners in the trades build their companies by hiring the right people for the right jobs. From office professionals and administrative positions to seasoned technicians and new trade school graduates, we evaluate, find and source that perfect new hire who will help you reach your goals.

By looking at company culture and skill sets required, I handle the entire hiring process for you and find the best fit without spending hours of your time and money.

I help set up a hiring strategy, take the stress out of vetting applicants, interviewing, checking references, and making recommendations. I give my clients access to resources to get to the next level in their business so they can grow and positively impact the local economy.

Are you thinking about hiring your next employee? Let's chat.

Reach out to me on my website:

Checkout These Videos!

Checkout My Writing!

Hey, thanks for checking out my writing! Below are my 5 most recent posts. You can see all of my writing over on my Personal LeasedAdSpace blog!

TitlePublication Date
How should we respond... 04-08-2019 09:04:02 PM
Enhance Your Wealth and Well-Being 03-24-2019 10:03:41 AM
Begin with the little wins 03-17-2019 03:03:48 PM
Profit. Rinse. Repeat. 02-13-2019 02:02:41 PM
This Common Mistake Is Killing Your Biz... 01-29-2019 06:01:41 PM